95 in the speech-forms-Samkhara-<Sankara lines 2, 4, 15, 17; Srisaila<Srisaila line 3; -samkhald<samkathā line 9, sāsana< sāsana line 13, varsa varsha line 6; other speech-forms such as brahmēti<brahmahatyā line 2, -amavāse <amāvāsyä line 7, -muksha-<mukhya line 10, -setti<brështhin line 15, are also noteworthy. Alveolar: is met with in mureneya line 6, mūvattāru line 14, etc. There is an epenthetic vowel in Phalavarga- <Plavaniga line 6. The conjunctive suffix -um is found in nälkurn line 3 and -settiyun line 15. The normal word-order in Kannada is subject-object-verb. But in the sentence -pumnyava sri Koti- Sankharadēvaru kuduvaru, liner 4-5, there is deviation of this normal form, inasmuch as the word-order is object-subject-verb.
The inscription belongs to Bhillamadēva and, from the titles Yādava-Nārāyana and Pratāpachakravartti given to him, he is evidently no other than the king Bhillama of the Yadava dynasty of Dēvagiri, who is regarded as the real founder and first sovereign king of this family. The inscription does not give any genealogical or historical details about this king.
The chief interest of the record, however, lies in the mention of the date which is given in the king's regnal year coupled with the cyclic year, viz., 3rd year, Plavanga-samvatsara. When Fleet wrote his Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts as early as 1896 he had come across only three certain records of this king. One of them is dated in Saka 1113, Virðdhikrit samvatsara, and the other two in regnal years, both citing the Saumya samvatsara as the third year of the king's reign. From this, the first year of the king was fixed as Plavanga sariwatsara, Saka 1110 (current)-A.D. 1187-88. But the inscription under publication cites Plavanga samvatsara itself as the third year of the king's reign, thus fixing his first year as Visvāvasu, Saka 1107 (expired)-A.D. 1185-86.
Till now, as many as fourteen inscriptions, all on stone, of this king Bhillama have been discovered and, as far as I know, only one inscription has been published. Nine of these fourteen records are dated in the king's regnal year, coupled with the cyclio year and they may be shown in the tabulated form as follows:
Place of inscription.
Regnal year and cyclic year as given in the Inscription.
First year of the king's reign as
3rd year, Plavanga (s.
1109=A. D. 1187-88).
Visvävasu (S. 1107-A.
D. 1185-86).
1 NimbalBijapur District (inscrip.
tion under publication). 2 Mattigi
same district) . .
An. Rep., 8. I. E., 1937
38, B. K. No. 49.
8th year, Paridhavi (8.
1114-A. D. 1192-93).
Ibid., 1929-30, B. K. No.
3 Bijapur
same distriot.
4th year, Saumya (8.
1111=A. D. 1189-90).
Parabhava (8. 1108A.
D. 1186-87).
Ibid., 1933-34, B. K. No.
Copled by the office of 8.
I. E., during 1940-41.
4 Ankalgi Jath state, Bombay Pro-6th year, Sadharana -(S. vince.
1112=A. D. 1190-91). 5 HallurBijapur District , . 2nd year, Kilaka (8.
1110=A. D. 1188-89).
Plavanga (8. 1109=A.
D. 1187-88).
An. Rep., 8. I. E., 1929
30, B. K. No. 18.
. Ibid., p. 99. • Bomb. Gaz., Vol. I, pt. ii, p. 618 and 1. 8. • Ibid., p. 518. • Above, Vol. II, pp. 217-20,