Page 48, foot-note 1.--For Aïchar read Aicharā » 49, foot-note 16, lines 4-5.- Read Dombi-nāmakas-ch-ēti
51, line 3.-Read R. G. Basak » 56, text, line 7.--For jātakam-anka read jätakam-anka ,, 57, text, line 13.- For srih read srih
57, text, line 16.--For jan-āvidhēyah read jän-āvidhëyaḥ 57, text, line 23.--- For göchcha[ka] read göchchha[ka] 57, text, line 24.--- For go=mabishyo read go-mahishyo 57, text, line 29.- For yaśā='bhiva(vri)ddhayė read yaso-'bhiva(vri)ddhaya | 57, text, line 30.-For sõma-pitimaḥ(nah) read sõma-pitimaḥ(nah) 57, text, line 30.-For Tad=anvayē read Tad-anvaye 57, text, line 31.--For dvijah read dvija) [l*] 57, text, line 32.--For suto=bbavat read suto=bhavat 57, text, line 33.--For iv=āparaḥ read iv=āparaḥ [l*] 57, foot-note 3.- For gochchaka read göchchhaka 58, text, line 35.--For bhāshiņē read bhāshiņē | 58, text, line 39.--For vasundharām(m) read vasundharām(ram ) 59, line 36.- For respects read respect 60, line 12.--For as read to 61, line 3.-For date read dates 61, lines 5-6.-- For Chiplun grant read Chiplun plates 62, text, line 9.- For nītisāstra read nitiśāstra 62, text, line 11.-Foroshv-asādhāraṇa read 'shv=asādharana 65, line 36.- For Jaipur in the Ganjam District read Jeypore in the Koraput District 71, line 30.--For interests read interest 73, line 28.--For age read centuries 75, text, line 3.-For Bhöjānām-anvao read Bhöjānām=anvao 75, text, line 4.--For Kottipeggilin-abhyao read Kottipeggilin=ābhyao 75, text, line 10.-For vasundharāṁ read vasundharām(rām) 77, foot-note 4.--Add note: The inscription actually records the gift of a Chaitya-gpiha
by Pavaitirā, daughter of Ghapari, in favour of the Sangha and the Buddha. There are numerous cases of the use of the dative in the Prakrit inscriptions. The sentence bhata-virayehi samapito means to say that the Chaitya-griha was constructed by workers
(virakas) devoted (bhakta) to the donatrix, , 81, line 14.-For Dandavāsika read Dāņdapāśika , 84, foot-note 6.- Read Dāndapásika