No. 13]
First Plate 1 Jayati sur-äsura-makuţa-sphuta-maņi-kiran-āvalidha-charana2 yugah [ 1 ] aparimita-guna-gana-nidhir=nnishkäraņa-vatsalo Bu3 ddhah' [llo] Sri-bhājām Bhojānām-anvay-'amva"(mbar)-ēndun-Adamkita-rājāna Na4 ndipalli-Kaiköy-invaya-prasūtēna Kotti peggilin-abhya
Second Plate; First Side 5 rtthyamanēna sva-vihára-paribhög-arttham Dipaka-vishayo Sundarika6 náma-gråmd dattah Cl*) tasy=āvadhiḥ pūrvvasyān disi Kurvvå dakshi7 pasyam Marttikattu-viráva[b*) paschimasyām parvvatasy-öpari pa-> 8 niya-patana ēva uttarasyām=āmra-sahitös päshäņa
Second Plate ; Second side 9 paryyantah ||imam yö lõbhäd=ava(pa)barati sa pañcha-mahāpätako bha10 vishyati | 208va-dattām para-dattāṁ vā yo harēta vasundharam (1") shashtim 11 varsha-sahasrapi vi[sh"]thāyām jāyatē krimi[h|l] Manu-pra12 bhritibhir=mmänyai 'rubhuktā yady=api räjabhiḥ [l*1 yasya yaaya ya
Third Plate 13 dā bhūmis-tasya tasya tada phalam (119 Āryya-sanghāya dattām yo vpi14 ttim pälaya mānaval [l*) sa divam prāpya divy-ātmā kalpa-köți15 shu mödatu | Lobhād=grihņāti mand-ātmā yaḥ puman-papa-mő16 hitaḥ [l*] narakë pachyatē ghorë sa hi kalpān=anēkasa ||?
1 From the original plates. * Metre : Arya. • The mark of punctuation in the original is peculiar. • The letter ya looks like så. • The subscript vis indicated by a circle.
• This letter may be read as nti also, but the above reading seems to be better ; of. Hab in lino 8 and with in line 14. Its interpretation also warrants this reading.
* This letter looks like bå. • Read sahital. . There is a punetustion mark after this letter, which evidently indicates that the word is not oompleted. 1. The metre of this and the next three verses is Anushubh.
11 The superscript sha of this letter looks like od as the left hand hook at the top is not joined to the lower oval body of the letter. 11 There is a break in the engraving of this letter.
The formation of this letter is peculiar.
The punotustion mark consists of one horizontal stroke. 15 The construction of this clause is faulty. The defect will be amended if woread palayat naral. 16 The sign of this letter is peculiar, being a curve with a hook towards the left. I! This mark of punctuation consists of a wavy horizontal stroke.