No. 42] TELUGU CHOLA RECORDS FROM ANANTAPUR AND CUDDAPAH not known if he succeeded to the throne, as the only inscription left by him, viz., the Malopädu stone inscription, although describing him as ruling Rönādu 7,000 and Siddhi 1,000, does not give him kingly titles nor even the honorific ending to his name.
Of the places mentioned in the inscription, Vendararibuļu (ll. 17-18) may be taken to be the old name of Veludurti, the find place of the inscription. Kachiru (I. 27) to which Erama, the composer belonged cannot be identified. Eya(ra)kallu may be identical with Erigal, the identification of which has been discussed already.
First Side 1 Svasti Srilli1 2 Uttamā. 3 ditya-Cho4 la-maha5 rāju pri6 thivirajya[11] 7 choya 8 Immadi9 Ito? ichchi10 na pannavi11 sa' Kõsiya12 para Chedi13 sarmmako(k=i)chchiri
Second Side 14 Eya[ra]. 15 kallu kula 16 gattuļu 17 Vendarambu18 !u Vēņa19 võja20 nu chakshi [i*} 21 [da]niki vas 22 krambu va
Third Side 23 .......... 24 pancha-mu25 bäpāta26 kunrugu 27 Kachepu pa28 lu(ra) Erama 29 (vra]siri [M] 30 Kottali 31 Kunandi32 luvānu 33 kotte (.*)
TRANSLATION Hail! Prosperity! Whilo Uttamāditya-Cholamahäräja was ruling the earth, Irmmadi Ito gavo to Chodisarmmā, the Brāhmaṇa of Kõsiya, (i.e., of the Kausika-götra) a pannavisa, May also be read rato.
* This line is completely lost. XVI-1-5