(owe) tank (rullerl) Tamilmid kvittaperumal-tallagam whose water was held more sacred than the nectar-like water of all rivers usually considered very sacrel:
(one garden called) Kidarafumirar-loppu having the fragrance of honer-stored Howers with the humming of heetles:
(one) warden (vllel after) Avapiyaļampirandān which impeded the course of the sun having fine swift horns
(owe) garden (ellell after) Šēnaittalaivan (the commander-in-chief) well-known in the world ;
(our) Ammaimadam which afforded shade of Hower-bearing trees that cooled the minds of persons who had walked through dreary forests on hot days:
(one tank called) Ayyanēri:
(one rell called) laddi-Välwilla perimäl-kinart, which, as if by breaking open the interior of a hill, admitted the How of nectar-like water from a deep cavity ;
(one) tank (called after) Kādavakumaran with cool water in which blossomed lotuses and water-lilies (frerpiented by humming bees;
(one) lake (called after) Venrumalnikondaperumal whose long bund was no raised as if it were a range of billocks ;
(one grove called) Bharatamvillaperumā!-toppe which excelled the forest thick-set with celestial trees :
(one) garden (called after) Virarávan, filled with fragrance issuing from very tender flower. sheafs where the beetles ever hum :
(one) lake (called after) Nissankamallan which was no filled with water that it resembled the sea and which made the fields yield in the Kår (season); it was given to . . . . in the high lineage of Sundara who followed the way of the ascetics:
(one) tank and matha (called after) Gāngayan :
(one) grove filled with fragrant plants. All these he made so well as to present a beautiful appearance. On account of these acts, the Assembly of the 48,000,-- who ever looked with favour upon those that bore on their heads the lotus feet of Ardhanarisvara, who ever sineared their bodies with sacred ashes, whose minds were filled with righteous ways dictated in the Igamas, whose commands drove off the heretical faiths, and who were considered to be the devotees that learnt the mantre of the five letters direct from the god Jatādhara (Siva) wearing the crescent and a plait of hair on his head and assuming the form of Adinatha received on his head Cangā when she rushed forth in thousand faces making great noise, were graciously pleasel and blessed him saying 'Let him ever live peacefully in this world':
Hail ! Prosperity! In the seventh year (of the reign) of Sakalabhuvanachakravartin SriKo-pPeruñjingadēva, on the day of Rēvati, corresponding to Friday, the fourth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Simha (this uns engraved).
In the 29th year (of the reign) of [Tri]bhuvanaviradēva, when this Srivināņa, having become dilapidated, had been pulled down and reconstructed, the old inscriptions that were found there, had heen (re-engraved)..........
Details of boundaries of several fields-- left unfinished.