[VOL. XXVII varman, but is similar to that found in the Aphsaď stone inscription of Adityasēna. The language is Sanskrit prose throughout. In respect of orthography may be noticed the doubling of and in conjunction with the , e.g., in afara and site in line 1, in get in different parts of the inscription, and also the doubling of in conjunction with the following as in the word w at in different parts of the inscription. The orthography is, therefore, similar to that of the seals of Sarvavarman with this difference only that whereas in the Asirgadh seal the उपध्मानीय occurs between उत्पन्न and परममाहेश्वर in 1.7 and fand in the Nälandă seals, neither of these is found in the present epigraph. The omission is probably due to the scribe.
The seal refers to the Maukhari king Avantivarman, who was the son and successor of Sarvavarman begotten on his queen Mahadevi Indrabhattarikā. He is already known to us from the two fragmentary Maukhari seals from Nälandā, published by Mr. A. Ghosh (above, Vol. XXIV. Pp. 283-285), wherein genealogical history of the Maukharis has been discussed by him: Avantivarman is here described as 4 and her confect exactly as Sarvavarman is described in the Asirgadh and Nālandă seals. It may be noted further that Avantivarman's name also ends with the dynastic title of stof even as Sarvavarman's ends in his seals, referred to above. This would indicate that the dynastic name was added at the end of the seal after the name of the issuer, and no special meaning need be read in the association of this title with any particular ruler, as was supposed by Dr. R. 8. Tripathi in his History of Kanauj, p. 45.
As the first six lines of this inscription are identical with the text of the known seals of SarvaVarman, there seems to be no necessity of translating them, while lines 7 and 8 give only the name, title and parentage of Avantivarman, the Maukhari. The text is as follows:
1 चतुस्समुद्रातिपकान्तकीतिः प्रतापानुरागोपनतान्यराजा (जो) वर्णाश्रमव्यवस्थापनप्रवृत्त
2 w arm waterafeter: stare[t] utfram[1] [11*] Teu geriau - ३ यस्वामिनीभट्टारिकादेव्यामुत्पन्नः श्रीमहाराजादित्यवर्मा [*] तस्य पुत्तस्तत्पादानुयातो जय.
4 भट्टारिकादेव्यामुत्पन्नः भीमहाराजेश्वरवा [॥*] तस्य पुत्तस्तत्पादानुबयात उपगुप्ताभट्टारिका..
5 देव्यामुत्पन्नो महाराजाधिराजश्रीईशानवा [॥*] तस्य पुत्तस्तत्पादानुखपातो
। लक्ष्मीवतीभट्टारिकामहादेव्यामुत्पन्नो महाराजाधिराजश्रीशर्बवर्मा [॥*]
Fleet : op. cit., pp. 200-8.
* It is necessary to state in this connection that of all the Maukhari seals---Copper or terracotta-the relief of letters in the present seal is very small and that at places the text has become more or less blurred. The surface of the seal is also uneven and this has caused greater wearing of certain parte.
- The mother of ईश्वरवर्मन् is हर्षगुप्ताभट्टारिका in all the seals of Sarvavarman, and जयस्वामिनी, who in line 8 of the present record is stated to be the mother of t h is presumably a mistake for g o on He part of the scribe.