of a Boar on it through the favour of Vishņu, etc., as found in most of the other grants of this dynasty.
The genealogy begins with Pulakābi-Vallabha (1) who had purified his limbs with the holy waters at the time of the horse sacrifice performed by him. Then his son, the famous Kirttivarman(I) who had defeated the kings of Vanavāsi, is referred to. Then we find mentioned his son Satyāśraya otherwise famous as Pulakēśin (II) who bore the additional titles Mahārājā. dhirāja and Paramēsvara ; the last-mentioned title he obtained by defeating Harshavardhana. Then comes his favourite' ton Vikramaditya (D. Mounted on the back of his favourite steed Chitrakantha and with only a sword in hand be is said to have retrieved the fortune of his father which had been taken away by the alliance of three kings. He also broke down the power of the Pāņdyas, Chöļas, Kēraļas and Kaļabhras, and made the king of Kanchi bow down in reverence to him. Then is mentioner Vinayāditya, who is also stated to have subdued the triple alliance. He subdued the kings of Kavēra, Pārasika and Simhaļa and by defeating the king of the north acquired the embleans of greatness such as the Pālidhraja, etc.
His favourite son was Vijayaditya-Samastabhuvanā sraya, the donor of the present grant. He secured peace at home while his grandfather carried on wars with the southern kings and he assisted his father in a campaign in the north and going further to the north (more than what bis father had done) he acquired for himself the emblems of Ganga, Yamunā, the Pālidhvaja banner and the Dhadrum. He was once caught by the enemies but he skilfully contrived to escape and brough peace and order unaided by others in the provinces where disorder reigned supreme for a while.
First Plate.
1 स्वस्ति [[*] जयत्याविष्कृतं विष्णोर्बाराहं क्षोभितागणव(वम्) [*] दक्षिणोबत
दंष्ट्राग्रविश्रान्तभुवन' वपुः [*] श्री2 मतां सकलभुवनसंस्तूयमानमानव्यसगोत्राणां सप्तलोकमातृ3 भिस्मप्तमातृभिरभिवड़ितानां कार्तिकेयपरिरक्षणप्राप्तकल्याणपरंपराणां भगव4 बारायणप्रसादसमासादितवराहलाञ्छनेक्षणक्षणवशौकताशेषमहीभृतां 5 चलिक्यानां कुलमलंकरिष्णोरश्वमेधावभृथसानपवित्रीकृतगात्रस्य थोपुलकेशि6 वल्लभमहाराजस्य सूनु पराक्रमाक्रान्तवनवास्यादिपरनृपतिमण्डलप्रणिब7 इविशुद्धकोतिः. शोकीर्तिवर्मापृथिवीवल्लभमहाराजस्तस्यात्मजस्ममर8 संसक्तसकलोत्तरापथेश्वरश्रीहर्षवईना पराजयोपात्तपरमेश्वरशब्दा.
1 Hin title Satyadraya is not given here, unlike in Ind. Ant., Vol. VI, P. 73. . From the original plates.
Read -bhuvanatin.
• Read Raya sa mara.. [This emendation is unnecessary as the reading of the text in 11. 8-9 is correctly -paramčkvara-labdas-tasya.-Ed.]
Read &ri-Harshavarddhana..