[Vol. XXV.
56 smai dvij-edrā(ndra)ya bböktum dātum yath=ēpsaya sa prādādd=yu. 57 varāj-ākhyas=Triyambakā(ka)-mahipatih [1 30*] Brāhmaṇaḥ sa cha sam58 hřishtah putra-pautra-samanvitab räjänamasisham cha59 krē schi(chi)ramjivi bhavatv-iti Hill [31*)
Third Plate. 60 Sva-datta para-dattām vā yo barēta vasumdharam(rām) | shamsbţirl-varsha-sa61 hasrāņi vishțhāyām jāyatë krimih ill 32*] Sva-datvā(dattād=)dviguņam punyam par
(pa) 62 ra-datt-änupälanan(ne) para-datt-āpabärēņa sva-dattar nishphalam bha63 vēt [1 33*] Ek=aiva bhagini lökē sarvēsā(sha)m=ēva bhübbujam (jam)[*] na bhöjyä na ka64 ra-grāhyā vipra-dattă vasundhară ILI 34*] Däna-pälanayor=madhyē dānách=chhrē. 65 yo=nupälanam(nam) 1 dãnāt svargam=avāpnēti pälanād-achyutan padam(dam) [1 35*] 66 Sāmānyo=yam dharma-sētu[r*]=nsipāņām kālē kālē pālaniyo bhavadbhiḥ [*] 67 sarvān=ētān=bhävinah parthiv-ēmdrān=bhūyo bhūyo yāchatē Rāmacham(drah] [ll 36*] 68 srl Triyambaka
By R. K. GHOSHAL, M.A., CALCUTTA. The copper-plates, which bear the subjoined inscription, were secured in 1925 from a farmer of the village of Santa-Bömmāli in the Ganjam District by Mr. Lakshminarayan Harichandan Jagadev, M.R.A.S., Rājā Bābādur of Tékkali, in whose ownership they now lie. The inscription seems to have been first published in the Utkala Sahitya Parishad Patrikā of Cuttack, Vol. XXXI, which is not accessible to me. It was next dealt with by its present owner in the Journ. of the Andhra Hist. Res. Society (Vol. IV, pp. 21 ff. and plate). His introduction to and reading of the text of the inscription, however, having contained a number of inaccuracies, I take this opportunity to publish a revised edition. The present treatment is based on s reproduction of the plates accompanying the Rājā Bāhādur's paper referred to above.
The plates are three in number and measure: 64" by 27". The first and the third plates bear writing on their inner faces only, while the second one is inscribed on both sides. The plates are in a perfect state of preservation. Towards the proper right end of each plate there is a hole for a ring of 216' in diameter to connect tbem. The seal, on which the ends of the ring are secured, measures about 41" and on it is said to be engraved the figure of a couchant ?) bull. The weight of the plates together with the ring is 52 tolas.
The characters belong to the southern class of alphabets and are almost of the same type as is found in the Achyutapuram plates (Year 87) and the Parla-Kimēdi (Year 91)
Read shashtim varsha-. .J. A. A. R. 8., Vol. IV, p. 21. I have not had any opportunity to verify this and the following information in this paragraph from the original plates. This record has also been noticed in An, Rep. on South Indian Epigraphy for 1925-26, p. 10, Appendix A, No. 2.
• No shape of the seal is given ; perhaps it is of the usual small oval shape. Above, Vol. III, pp. 127 ff.