Nc. 11.)
Bhattan; also the undermentioned persons of Veļļūrkufuchchi in Alagiyapāņdiyakkulakkil, viz., Vēlän Kovan, Adi Perrān, Vēļān Alagan alias Sundarapandiya-Müvēndavölän and Vēlān Sirilanko; (inclusive of the last mentioned four) the following (three) persons, viz., A van Upadhyāyar of Marudür in Tiruvāvanam, Karumāņikkam Ulagamundan-Bhattan of Perumpuliyür and Mayüravahanan Aduvan.Bhattan of Marudūr who were concerned in the formation of the brahmadeya ; (also the undermentioned persons) of Vēļūr alias Alagiyapandiyanallur in Kiranür-nādu, viz., Răman Uyyavandan, Perrän Pättan, Dēvan Nambi and Soran Nättän; all these pointing out their respective boundaries, the following persons of Tiruppuvanam in Irasingankuļakkil, viz., Anaittanam Pamman Adiyarkkunalla-Peruman alias Pallavadaraiyan, meyppu Malaiyan Söran alias Viñjattaraiyan, Dēvan Tillai alias Madurõdaya-Pallavaraiyan, Sikayilāya-Bhattan alias Sivallava-Pallavaraiyan, Kanavadi Siraman alias Sundatapāņdiya-Pallavaraiyan, Eran Periyan alias Pandiyan-Pallavaraiyan and Porru Aravamudaiyan Villi alias Mudittalaikonda-Pallavaraiyan, conducting the female elephant, the folowing is the document of the boundaries drawn up exactly as the elephant passed
(Ll. 139-195) The eastern boundary (as it came to be determined) on the day of Svāti corresponding to Saturday and the eleventh tithi of the second fortnight and the fourth (solar) day of the month of Dhanus in the twelfth year opposite the thirteenth of the king's) reign, lies to the west of the line commencing from the eastern extremity of Udaikulam, also called Kit-Chūrai. which lies to the north-east of this village (of Rājagambhira-chaturvēdimangalam), passes southwards and crosses the road going to Kadambangudi from Seyyakulattür, runs in a south-easterly direction, then southwards and then in south-easterly direction and crosses the road leading to Vēmbangudi from Månaviramadurai, and then passes eastwards and crosses the high road leading to Müvaraiyarkottai from Seyyakulattūr, and then keeping to the right (the pit called) Pudai. chchänkuli, passes south-east along the vettipperuvali (the big path of the vetfis) which meets the said road (at the said pit) and crosses the road leading to Māņavīramadurai from Müvaraiyarkottai ; further, proceeding from this road in a south-easterly direction and crossing the high road which runs westwards, and then going in a south-easterly direction crossing the road leading to Mänaviramadurai from Pidávür and then passing in a south-easterly direction and reaching the eastern extremity of the tank of Karaiyur and from its Henk passing in a south-easterly direction, it lies to the west. And crossing the channel which carries water to the tank at Kunnēli, it lies to the west. Proceeding from the channel in a south-easterly direction on the eastern boundary of Sangappērayan-ēmbal, then going southwards and then in & south-westerly direction and crossing the road leading from Nettür to Mānaviramadurai and then going southwards along the nirnakkal of the tank at Chandranallur and reaching the southern extremity of Chandranallur, it lies to the west. Further, proceeding from here in a south-westerly direction along the way leading to Vaigai alias Srivallabhappērāru, it lies to the west. Then going southwards from this way along the sevvai on the eastern boundary of Serkuli, then proceeding westwards on the southern boundary of the said Senkuļi and afterwards going southwards along Kaskulam which forms the eastern boundary of Orukkorraņēri, it lies to the west. Then proceeding in a south-westerly direction on the southern boundary of the said Orukkorraņēri and getting into the Vaigai alias Srivallabhapperāru it lies to the west. Then going along this Srivallabhappērāru (first) in & northwesterly direction and then in a westerly direction, it lies to the west. Then getting up the southern bank of this river and proceeding in a southerly direction and crossing the channel which carries water to the tank of Kit-Pasalai alias Dānavinodanallur and the tank of Mēr-Pasalai alias Srivallabha-chaturvēdimangalam and getting up the bank of this channel and proceeding southwards along the......ridge of the half veli and two md of land in Arabipparru and going up the northern extremity of the tank of Månaviremadurai, it lies to the west. Then, proceedling