C. Piciglesiatti contd.
C. Püvinkifatticonold.
13th year +2,230 days. 13th year+2,313 days. 13th+6th year (13th+2,140
35/27 613/26 502/16
18+ Ist year.
9+1+1st year. 619/11
9+1+1st year. 813/23
9+3rd year. 664/16
•+3rd year. 855/16
• +3ad your 80/28-29
13th year. 546, 149, 150/16 13th year and 148 days. 18+let 412/8. 1. J., V. 31/27
13+1st year. 260/29-30
18+ hot year. 295/29-30
13th year +100 days. 275/29-30
13th year+902 days. 431/29-30
13+3rd year. 20/27
18+ 3rd year. 681/16
13+4th year. 378/20-30
13+5th year. 884/16 This is oonnoot 13+0th year.
ed with No. 688/16 845/22
13+5th year. 877/167 There are cott 18+ year.
noond with 679/16) No. 678/16. 13+5th year. 609-610/16
19th yoor+1,448 days. 678/16
18th year+2,230 days. 680/18 and 882/16 18th year+8th (13th+3,230
days). 883/16
13th your+2,312 days.
40/24 375/29-30 319/23 123/08 616/26
13th+7th year. 13th +8th year. 13th +8th year (13th+3,090
days). 13th + Sth year. 13th +8th year. 13+ 10th year. 13+10th year. 13+11th year 13+12th year. 13+12th year. 13+13th year. 13+ L3th year. 13+ 18th year. 13+14th year. 13+14th year. 13+15th year. 13+47** days.
416/9. 1. 1., V. 322/23 54/27 298/27-28 69/28-29 10/28-29 279/29-30 466/16 04/07, 555/16, 26/24,
29/28-29 and 268/ 27-28.
• lat year.
By a glance at list A, it will be observed that six of the inscriptions, which are dated after the 4th year and perhaps also another, single out the 4th year of reign and count fresh regnal years or days from that dete. And in going through list B, it will be seen that the year 3 is singled out in almost all the inscriptions. Similarly a glance at the dates of the inscriptions in list C will show that the years 3, 9 and 13 are marked years. In the last list, all the inscriptions after the 3rd year up to the 9th year are marked as 3 plus, those after the 9th up to the 13th year are marked 9 plus, and the rest dated later than the 13th are marked as 13 plus. The special treatment, which these years get in the respective introductions, seems strongly to point out that the kings represented in them might be different. Secondly, there is not much in common in the three introductions. In fact, nothing of importance is recorded in any of them. It is further worthy of note that the latest regnal years in the three introductions are different. The first, i.e., Pütala