No. 5.)
16 dhyarddhamkshētra-kulyavāpam-prārtthayatē -tra na kaschidayirõdhah gunas
tu yat-parama-bhattāra ka-pădânām=artth-opachayo dharmma-shad-bhāg-apyaya17 nañ=cha bhavati tad van-kriyatām-ity-anēn=āvadhāraņā-kkramēņāsmad-Brå
hmana-Năths-Garmmata ētad-bhäryyā-Rāmiyās=cha dinārs-tra18 yam-āyiksity=aitābhyām vijñāpitaka-kram-õpayāgāy-Opari-nirddishţa-grāma-Gohāli.
kēshu tala-vāta ka-vāstună saha kshetram 19 kulyavāpa adhyarddhō-kshaya-nivi-dharmmēņa dattaḥ ku i dro 4 [*]
Tad=yush mābhiḥ sva-karmman-ävirõdhi-sthānē shaka-na dair apa. 20 viñchchhya' data vyö-kshaya-nivi-dharmmēna cha sasvad-achandr-ārkka-tāra ka
kālam-anu-pälayitavya iti [1] Sam 100 50 9 21 Maghe di 7 [ ] Uktañ-cha bhagavata Vyäsēna [*] Sva-dattām pare
dattar vå yo harēta vasundharām [1] 22 88 vishthāyām krimir-bhūtvā pitsibhis-saha pachyatē[ Il*] Shashti-varsha
sahasrāņi svargge vasati bhūmidaḥ [l*] 23 akshēptāch-inumantā cha täny-ēva nara kē vasēt [ll*) Rājabhir=vvahu
bhiro-datta diyatē cha punaḥ punah [ 1*) yasya yasya 24 yadā bhūmi tasya tasya tada phalam [*] Pūrvve-dattām dvijātibhyo
yatnād-raksha Yudhishthira [1] mahim-mahimatām? srēshtha 25 dânāch-chhrēyo nupālanaṁ [11] Vindhy-āta vishv=anambunshu s ushka-kotara
vāsina[h*] krishn-ahino hi jāyantë dēva-dāyam haranti yê [ll*]
Abstract of Contents. Nátha-śarmmā, a Brāhmaṇa and Rāmi, his wife, approach the District Officer 10 and the City-Council headed by the Mayor (Nagara-Sreshthi) at Pun Iravardhana with the request that in accordance with the procedure prevalent in the locality, they may be allowed to deposit three dināras in return for ly kulyavāpas of land distributed among 4 different villages to be endowed in perpetuity for the maintenance of requisites of the worship of Arhats such as sandal, incense, flower, 11 lamps, etc., and for the construction of a resting place at the vikāra of the Jaina preceptor Guhanandi at Vata-Gohāli. The details of the lands required were -Fields measuring 4, 4 and 2 dronavāpas, respectively, at the villages of Prishthima-pottaka, Goshătapuñjaka and Nitva-Gohāli ; home-stead land measuring 11 dronavāpas at Vata-Gobali.
[Read prarthayatt (yello).-Ed.)
* This expression can be compared with ashtaka-nava ka-niläbhy mocourring in the Dimodarpur Plates The present practice in parts of Bengal and Assam is to measure out the lands by nalas or reeds of a definite measurement in cubits, which differ in different localities. The shafka, ashtaka and navaka as referred to the nalas may therefore mean nalas of so many oubita (i.e., 6, 8 or 0).
Dr. N. P. Chakravarti connects it with the Bengali word bacha meaning to select or choos-Ed.) • Read ksimir. [But krimir, in is also allowed. -Ed.) Read Obbahubhir.
Read bhumisRond matimakan. The reading mahimalá is given in the plato is also correct.--Ed.] Read anambushu. (The plate correctly gives anambhaan.-Ed.)
Read dhayd. ** [See foot-noto on p. 61 sbove.-Ed.)
11 The mention of flowers in the worship of the Arhata or Jina indicates a point of difference between the umotice of the old Nigrantha and the modern Digambara Jainas. The latter do not permit the time of flowers in as much as the ingoeta likely to be prosent in the flowers may be destroyed thereby. The votambaras, however, have no objection to this practice.