13 nnir vețţi utpada marrum eppērppatta vettiyum iraiyum echchöfum vedi
naiyum eppērppattadum-irada däga virru vi. 14 laiy-āvanañ-che[y*]du kuduttom Tiruttavattu rai-Mahädēvarkku Manarkal sa bhai
yöm i-nilattukku pugunda 16 kuttukkal tirttu-kuduppomanom tirttu-[kkudömägil kulttukkal pugunda(pugunda)
põdu murpatta panm[@]16 hēsvararē nilaikkaļam-ullitta tân (vēņdu] kõ[viņu]kku , .... kkāņam
sa bhaiyaiy-āgavum tanitt-agavum dan 17 dam-ida otti i-ñilam pattu-chcheyum virru vilaiy-āvanam beydu kuduttom
Tiruttavatturai-[Ma]hädēvarkku Mana18 xkkal sa bhaiyām (*) idu pan-Māhēśvarar näppatt-eņņāyira yarum rakshai i I! IR
TRANSLATION Hail! Prosperity! In the 13th year of the reign of) king Rājakösarivarman, Nangai. Varaguņa-perumânăr, the illustrious uterine sister of the Chola king (Solapperumanadiga!), gave 30 (kalañju of) gold for burning a perpetual lamp daily with (one) uri of ghee as long as the sun and the moon last, in the temple of Isvara-bhattaraka at Tiruttavatturai. The members of the) assembly of Maņalkāl, a brahnadēya on the western portion of Kalārakku/kurram which was a sub-division of Vadakarai-Mala-nādu received these thirty balažju of gold. The following are the lands which they sold for the 30 kalanju of gold to the temple of Perumānadigal at Tirutta vattu ai for (burning) a sacred lamp :
Four ma and (one) käni of our land, situated to the east of the mound called Manamuţtittidal; three mā and (one) käni (of land) to the north of the veltappēru in Sirugavùr ; two má of land to the east of the canal at the boundary of Sirugavūr; and half a mă (of land) to the east of the vetfappēru which we ourselves presented to Talaivāyan—in all, half a vēli comprised in four tadi. Having received the 30 kalasju of gold, we, (the members of) Manarkäl, sold these ten śey of land, free from taxes, and drew up the sale-deed expressing therein that all kinds of vetti, irai, echchou, vedinai and other (lates) inclusive of sennirvetti, shall not be paid (on these lands), and conveyed the same to the temple of the Mahădēva at Tiruttavattugai. If there arises any trouble in respect of these lands, we bind ourselves to rectify the same. In case of our failure to rectify, we agree to pay, either as a body or individually, a fine of . . ., kanam of gold to the royal officers inclusive of the nilaikkalam . . . . . . as may be desired by the several Māhësvaras existing at the time of default. Thus (agreeing), we, (the members of the assembly of Managkal, sold the said ten sey of land, drew up the saledeed and handed over (possession) to the temple of the Mahādēva at Tiruttavattupai. This (charity) shall be under the protection of all the Mähēsvaras (viz.,) the Forty-Eight Thousand.
BY RAI BAHADUR DAYA RAM SAUNI, M.A. This inscription was first brought to the notice of scholars by Babu Jagannath Das Ratna kara of Ayodhyā. It is inscribed on a flat stone slab at the foot of the eastern entrance of the Samadhi of Baba Sangat Bakhsh, which is reputed to have been built in the time of Nawāb Shujäs-uddaula. This shrine with the connected buildings is situated in the western portion of a large walled enclosure known as Rinopali, about a mile distant from the town of Ayodhyā on the road leading to Fyzābād.
May also mean for the hond sluice'.