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(V. 10.) He (Mālāda), whose deeds were wondrous, purchased (everything of his own here (al Nalanda) from the revered Sangha and gave it back (to the bhikshus) according to rites, barring the monk's robe. He also gave away to the sons of the Sākya, i.e., Buddhist monks, & common dwelling place (wherein) to spend time happily, up to and beyond Narddarikā, excepting a place for himself.!
(V. 11.) This stainless gift has been made by him who is the brother of Nirmmalā whose face resembled the autumnal moon. His fame is spread over the world and he has been awakened by the words of the monk Pūrņņēndrasēna, who shines by his excellence.
(V. 12.) All this gift has been given with great devotion for the sake of the welfare and longevity of the parents, brother, wife, sister, son and friends of him (ie., Mālāda) who is the sole repository of virtue. May it be approved so that the living beings inight cross the fearful ocean of the world and attain the great fruit of the Wishing Tree in the form of the sacred Enlightenment (Bodhi).
(V. 13.) As long as the Moon shines and the Sun, the lamp of the world, with his lustrout and extensive rays (sheds light), as long as this earth together with the encompassing ocean endures and the sky, whicl. ġives space, lasts, and as long as these great mountains, bearing the yoke of the world, remain, so long let this kürtli, which is pure like the Moon, whiten the circle of (all) the quarters.
(V. 14.) Whoever interferes with this gift, which has to last as long as the world endures, will, void of virtue as he is, have the dire fate of one who commits the five sing-(let him know) that the Lord Jina (the Buddha) is horo ever prosent within, occupying the adamantine seat and that the great king Bälāditya has established this command (or the image of the Buddha).
(V. 15.) Thus, Silachandra and the well-known Karanika Svāmidatta, having placed the order of the Sangha on their head, without considering the weight (of responsibility), composed at once this beautiful and sublime, though simple, prasasti, although the wealth of their knowledge is small, for, will not even the cripples wish to get the fruits from the tree on the mountain by raising (their) hand ?
BY K. V. SUBRAHMANYA AIYER, B.A., M.R.A.S., OOTACAMUND. The three inscriptions which form the subjoct of this article are incised on the north wall of the Saptarishisvara temple at Lalgudi in the Trichinopoly district. For the sake of convenience, I call them A, B and C. Inscription A is dated in the year opposite to the fourth (i.e., the fifth year) of some king whose name is not given in it. It registers a gift of money made by the Pallava king Nandippóttaraiyar who fought the battle of Tellāru and gained victory in it, for burning a perpetual lamp in the temple of Mahādēva at Tiruttavatturai in Idaiyarru-nadu. The amount was received by the members of the assembly of Nalliman. galam who bound themselves to bring to the temple and measure out daily (one) nāli of ghee.
Does all this mean that Mäluda bocamo a Buddhist monk for some time and again bocame a grihastha se the Burmese do even now-a-days?
* See above, page 41.
* Soo foot-note l on page 39 above. The construction of this verse is not quite cloar. Dr. Vogel thinks that the stanza might be referring to two images of the Buddha-the Buddha of the Vajrasans, being the Bodhi image enshrined in the principal temple, and second, of the Teawber, perhaps an image of the Buddbe shown in the act of booching, which had been consecrated by Baláditya.
Tbe vord padgū is put ia tho dual number because the prasasti was composed by two authore