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(Chavunda) conquered this) army single-handed. Seeing it king Kama threw off his garment and losing (hopes of) victory fled by the forest track turning his back.
V. 19. Just as Amaravati looked ever beautiful with Indra who was boved to (by alh). Ayodhyā with the descendant of Raghu (ie., Ramachandra), the lovely Mathura with Govinda, Ujjayini with Gutta and Hastinapura with the son of Marut (im.,Bhimasēna), salsa Erarbarapura attained much gracefulnees with the Sinda chief Chivunda.
V. 20. Erarberäpura shines greatly on the face of this eharming earth with temples, numerous palaces containing groups of maidens, houses of gads on earth, se., Brāhmaṇas, and of the hosts of Vaibyas who resembled Kubera fin wealth) and with the bermitages of ascetics in sacred groves of penanee.
V. 21. There, Fitty Families of Telligas fo.e., silmen), endowed with pleasing virtues and possessing brilliant fame (brigh) as white clouds, were like bees on the pure and full-blown lotuses, the two feet of Siva.
V. 22. Further, the bright Earth is ever pleased with the deserving Fifty Families and praises them high saying "they are like the ocean capable of protecting the mountains, the refugees, like the intensely furious conflagration powerful enough to burn away the forests, the turbulent foes and chief villains, and like the handsome bees humming in the lotuses, the beautiful feet of Sambhu.
V. 23. Groups of (their) relatives extol with gestures of hands the Fifty Families so as to be well appreciated by the whole world saying, “They are worthy of praise by the good, avowedly truthful, armoured with piety and inestimable conduct, gladdened in their pure hearts at the innumerable delights of their wives and are ever busy in the worship of the lotus feet of gods and of dvijas".
Lines 36-38. The Fifty Families, thus, praised, assembled and performed the installation of god Telligāśvara in the north-east quarter of Exarh barāpura and also constructed a temple for the deity. To describe the succession in the family of the preceptor of Shandra. maulidēva, the acharya of that temple
V. 24. There was an ornament of asceties named Vigranesvara of much extolled intellect, who was greatly praised in (his) respectable family, an abode of refugees, and was known as Lakulisa born in the Kali age.
V. 25. The meditator on his lotus feet was the righteous Yogēsvaragati of blameless conduct, a bolt lifted up at the mountain, the Cupid, a sun to the lily of Lākulāgama (ie., works of the Läkula sect).
Vv. 26 and 27. The disciple of that excellent muni was the best yati called Charadramauli, the sole resort of learned men, who has conquered the rising Keli; his generosity surpassed the group of desire-yielding trees, his vow of (subentong an), 190ts, the praiseworthy son of Vayu (i.e., Hanuman), his truthfulnes, the wablamable Sedyebapa, bia serenity, the ocean and his fame pervading the three worlds, the lustre of the moon.
LI. 44-46. Hail! When the victorious rigs of the illustrious Tribhuwanamalla Bijap dēva, an asylum of the whole world Lard of Perthane and Karth possessed of all the laudatory titles like Mahārājadhiraga, Paramdhara, Paramabhaffäraka, a sun to the lotus of the Kahe. churiya family, terrible in fight, was advancing in the course of continuously increasing prosperity as long as the sun and the moon. last
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