42 Syam dátum sumahach-chhakyan daḥkhamuanyasya paļanam [1] dånam và
pala43 nam vesti dânäch=chhrēyo=nupalanan [lle 2*] Syu-dattár para-dat[t]ån vå
70 harēta 44 vasumdhară [*] shashtim varsha-sahasräņi vishthāyām jāyatë krimiḥ 1 (ID)
[3] Na visham 45 vishan-ity=áhurbrahma-svan visham-uchyatē (1") visham-ēkākinaṁ banti
buahna-svam 46 patra-petrikam [ll 4*] © Prāsāda-chakravartti Maru!õjam bareda
mangalam ©
TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) Inasmuch as his queen was a granddaughter of Taila, the ornament of emperors eminent in Manu's courses, a daughter of the illustrious emperor Satyāśraya, (and) a younger sister of the blest emperor kiug Vikramāditya, how can a panegyrist (worthily) describe this Nolambadhirāja's greatness and (noble) race and high eminence ?
(Lines 5-8.) When the reign of-bail !--the asylum of the whole world, favourite of Fortane and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, supreme Master, embellishment of the Chalukyas, ornament of Satyasraya's race, king Tribhuvanemalla, was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) as long as moon, sun, and stars :
(Lines 8-14.) While one who finds sustenance at his lotus-feet, -ail!-he who has obtained the five great musical sounds, scion of the Pallava linenge, favourite of Fortune and Earth, ornament of the Pallava race, uniform of speech, lord of Kāñchi best of cities, a Trinētra [Siva) of feudatory princes, a warrior of the host [elephant troup.-Ed.], Iriva-Nolambidhiraja, was happily ruling the Nolambavādi Thirty-two Thousand, the Kengali Fivehundred, the Ballakunde Three-hundred, the Kukkanür Thirty, and five towns within the Misiyavādi province, so as to represe the wicked and protert the cultured,
(Lipes 14-24.) To one who find sustenance at his lotus-feet, --hail !--the High General appointed to the whole management of the realm, doing service to his lord, grim on the stage of battle, harsh to the wicked, a Kautilya in craft [to the crafty.-Ed.], one who drives away the base, a Brihaspati of the Kali Age, an adamant chamber to dependents, a Garuda to the serpents his enemius, a great poet in both (languages), a favourite with kings of poets, a lion to the elephants disputants, a darling of Sarasvati, unattainable by other men's wives, a furious elepbant to warriors of the host (P), a home of polity, a master of enterprise, one who fails not in vou and promise), a friend to friends, a Brahma of the skilful, delighting in the fray, crushing the Highlands, a sun to the lotuses the Brahman race, a warrior among Bråhinape, a leader in the Seven Towns, a scion of the Kammal race, of the...gotra, son of Diņda-Pandita, friend of students, ornament of scholars, the great august General Venneya Bhattāra, a warrior of the host [elephant troup], an emperor of the Brihmap order, -
(Linex 24-26.) On Sunday, the full-moon day of Vaisakha of the oyclio year Sadbarana, the 988rd (year) in the centuries elapsed from the time of the saka king,
(Látea 16-31.) Tive mayor Chattivārayza in concert with the Two-hundred of Alor of the Plain, washing Vengeya-Bhatta's feet, gave as a namasya holding, immune from all conflicting
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* Sanskrit and Kanarese, The faily way pasibly be connected with the Kamma-rishtra or Karme-risht, on which no 1. 4.. VOL VII. p. 137, Vol. XX, p. 105, and E. I., above, Vol. VIII, pp. 284, 388. [Kuna-Kamma is a well-known enab-ect of Smart Brühmana largely found in the Nollore District, Babbur-Kammi is another.- Ed.]