No. 21.]
Friday, 28 May, A.D. 896, corresponding to the nakshatra Anuradha by all systems, while according to the Brahma-siddhanta the nakshatra would be Svati and according to the equalspace system and Garga it would be Chitra. If on the other hand we reject the Saka date as wrong and accept "Banu," ie. Bhanu, as being the same as Subhanu (as is sometimes the case in Northern Calendars), we must fix the year of our inscription as either 786 or 846 Saka; but in neither case can we obtain a nakshatra with Uttara in its name, and hence this alternative may be discarded.
The only place-names mentioned are the Banavasi Twelve-thousand (1. 7), Palasfir (1. 9), "Anniga's Hundred of Panungal" (11. 11-12), and Dautavar or Dautavura (11. 14-15). Palasur is now Halsur, in lat. 14° 51' and long. 75° 21', nearly a mile S. W. of Kupimellihalli. Of "Anniga's Hundred of Panungal" I have already spoken. Dautavar is very possibly the ancient name of Kunimellihalli; if not, it must have been a village in the immediate neighbourhood.
1 Svasti śri Sa(sa)ka-käl-ätita-sambatsara-sa(sa)tamga
2-entu-nüra padinențaneya Ba(bha)nuv-emba [samba*]tsaram prava
3 rttise Jěshta-masamum sukla-pakshamum trayoda
4 si(si)yum Uttare-nakshatramuṁ pravarttisutt-ire [*] sva
5 sti samadhigata-pañcha-maha-sabda-mahasamanta
6 dhipati śrimat-Kannara-vallaha[m] prithuvi-rajyam-geye [*] Lō
7 kade Banavasi-pannirchchasiramuman-ale [1] aneka-gupa
8 gan-alamkrita-sattya-sauch-achara-sila-sampannar=appa
śrimat-Dindesvarada Omkara-Siva-bhaṭarar-Palasüran-āļu
10 tt-ire [] svasty-aneka-guna-gan-alamkrita-satya-sauch-achara-s1 (61) la
11 sampannan-app-Alädiyam Gōvam innum Kalpata[m] śrimat-Pa[num]
12 gall-Annigana nurakke nal-gamumṇḍu-geye Maravayyam
13 perggadetanam-geye Manugulara Ayicha-Gavuṇḍa
14 n-ar-gavundu-geye atana magan-Asaganna[m] Dautavu
15 ra biḍisidom Omkara-Siva-bhațarar-biṭṭar-Idam kadomge Asva(śva)
16 medhada phalam idan-alidomge Baranasiyosi
17 yo sasira kavileyuma[m] sasirbar-parvvaruma [m]
18 konda pañcha-mahāpātakan-akkum
(Lines 1-4.) Hail! fortune! while the cyclic year Bhanu, the eight-hundred and eighteenth (year) of the centuries of years elapsed since the time of the Saka king, was in progress, while the month Jyaishtha, the bright fortnight, the thirteenth (lunar day), and the constellation Uttara were in progress :
1 From the ink-impression.
2 This word is preceded by an ornament of the fankha type surrounded by petals.
8 Read prithuvi..
It is not quite clear whether the stone has for s.
It is not quite certain whether we should read -bhafärar or -bhataram.
These names seem strange. The syllable yam has been omitted and added in sinaller script below the line a cross after the di indicating its proper place. Should we read Alädiya ?
Should we read -varam or vuramam? See however above, Vol. XI, p. 3, n. 3.
8 Read Bäranäsiyoļ.
This word is followed by an ornament similar to that at the beginning of 1. 1.