horse-sacrifice. If our Krishnavarman is to be identified with this king, how are we to explain the silence of the record regarding the sacrifice said to have been performed by him ? On the other hand the expression asva-mēdh-ābhishikta, herein apphied to the Kadambas as & class, shows that in the time of our Kpishṇavarman the epithet afva-mēdha-yajin had become a hereditary title of the Kadamba family, a fact which can be explained only on the assumption that some prolonged interval of time separates the actual performer of the sacrifice from our Krishṇavarman. Moreover, there is at least one other instance of the indiscriminate use of the titles Mahārāja and Dharma-Mahārāja, namely, in the case of Mrigesavarman. Both titles are found used in connection with this king in his epigraphio records.
A word may be added regarding the localities mentioned in the record. The object of the grant is stated to be Kamakapalli, situated in the Girigada village (grāma) of the Karvannādga district (vishaya). None of these places can be identified with certainty. Mr. Hegde, owing to whose good offices the plates were made available for publication, is a resident of Sirsi and has favoured me with the following topographical details, which throw some light on the question. He writes : "Sirsi talula (wlich used to be called Suņdā tāluka) was formerly divided into a number of magane, each of which consisted of a number of villages. One of such mājane went by the name of Karur māgane, deriving its name from Karar, a village included in the măgane. Another such village was called Girigadde. Both those villages still bear the same names." The proximity of Girigadde to Sirsi favours the identification of the former with the Girigada of the plates, which, as state l above, come from Sirsi itself. Also, in regard to the great and often inexplicable changes which many place-names have undergone, the identi fication of Karvannūdga with Karár is not an impossible proposition.
TEXT. [Metre of the two verses in 11. 14-15: Sloka (Anushduth).]
First Plate. 1 afer [*] faFTâFTRETTIAATTAA AIET2 Ta tai(7)gRIf flata Vinate I [] 3 हारितिपुत्राणा' प्रतिकृतस्वाध्यायचर्चापाराणा 4 ofagaralar #CAT #UTET
Second Plate; First Side. 5 TT9[:*] T[)aut[f]afayagutan[:*] ag [t]6 fannhafünaut0317[:*] a: afavarafat
Kielhorn's List of Inscriptions of Southern India, Nos. 604 and 605. ? From the original plates and a set of impressions.
* Read mat. (The anthor may bave moant this word to be in the ablative case. Cf. Vijaya-Skandhavărat of other inscriptions.-H. K. S.]
• The length of ma is added at the top of the akshara.
Read T28. ..he length of máis adiled to the constricted part of the akshara. Read #1 rat.
* Read at.
* The Ravivarman plates above read ufafa. Read atret. Here, and in other places below, the raies of sandbi have not been observed.
10 Reail . . Read at.
1 Read at 11 The issertion of the risarga is an after thought.