No. 14.]
great accuracy, and we take this as 29° 36. Turn this into time by multiplying the degrees by 4m, and the minutes by 4. Result 1h 58 24".
Thus on the given day Kanya was lagna from very shortly before till about 1h 58m after mean sunrise.
In examining the given date in the matter of the karana (Example 6) we found that the action referred to in the record must have taken place between mean sunrise and 3h 41 m láter or between 6.0 and 9.41 A.M. on Sat., 29 Aug., A.D. 1226. The mention of the lagna still further reduces the time and sbews that the action referred to must have taken place between mean Funrise and a time 10 58m later; or between 6.0 and 7.58 A.M. on that day.
КОТЕ. The above examples may, perhaps, strike the uninitiated as involving an immense amount of complicated work in order to obtain the desired result. But such is by no means the case. Every date can be calculated in whole numbers at first, and it is very seldom that the decimals need be resorted to. They are provided for the purpose of deciding doubtful cases where very great accuracy is required.
For all the details of the given date,-and it is very seldom that so many are stated in an inscription or grant, -the following exemplifies all the work necessary to be done to put us in full possession of the facts. In about a quarter of an hour we learn everything that has to be learned; and, when less details are given, their accuracy can be proved or disproved in a few minutes. What follows shews the ordinary work to be done for the date given in Examples 3-10. Given year = Saka 1148, K.Y. 4327, Vyaya, A.D. 1226-27. d. w.-d. h. m.
d. w.-d. a. 6. C. 1 Mesha = (84) (4) 3 55 0 (60) (1) 36 2 15 211
(156) (2) 10 24 25 (181) (6) 1292 569 496
(240) (6) 14 1 Kanya = (241) O Sat. 29 Aug.
3 117
1448 - 1333
. t = 1448
1667 - 1448
Bhadr. fuk. 5
115=8h -
219 = 15h 31
7070 7225
Sh9m 15 31
4296 - 117
2)23 40
11 50
Total Bava
.= 4179 = 1448
- 8
+ 1448
Biva on Sat. 29 Aug.
= 3 41
# = Visakhi y =9806
y = Vaidhfiti