Frontal Eye (Siva)". This translation admits of another interpretation. The text, in that case, is to be transcribed : “chatur-usiti-nagar-ūdhishthita-Lalāta-lochanam jagad-ridit-ashfadas-Asramëdha-dikshitu-kula-pra. sūtari'', and the translation, would then be :" who had settled (1.e., consecrat. ed) Siva (Lalata lochana) in eighty-four towns and was sprong from a rare which had performed the eighteen world-famed Aśvamëdha sacrifices." Sac. rifices performed to please the god Śiva exclusively are rare. He, like other deities, receives only a share in a sacrifice. See above, page 41 and Addenda
and Corrigenda thereto.-H. K. S. Page 356, para, 2, 1. 3.-Kirttiga in verse 1 of the Text refers very likely to the ha darula
Kirtti, who is distinctly so called in 11. 40, 42, 43.-H. K. S. + 356, 1, 14 from top.-Muttabbe means "great-grandmother and therefore it is not impossi
ble that the pillar in question was a gift for the merit of Kirttiyapna's great
grandmother.-H. K. S. 357 (text), 1. 14,-el-turug-adod (d)-āduide. The meaning is not what is given in the transla
tion: the passage should be divided el! turu-gādod=īdule "Nay! was it acquired by protecting cows?" Nripa-Mēru, occurring twice in 11. 13 and 16
may have been a surname of Chattuga.-H. K. S. 358, trans., v. 2.-"the god giving blessing of glory "--Evidently the translation of
Kirti-Samkara-dëtar should be " the god (Siva) named Kirti-Sarkara." This must have been the name of a shrine in the Madhukėśvara temple or somewhere in its neighbourhood. It is evident that Kirtti-Samkara was the
name of the Siva temple built by Kirttiga.--H. K. S. » 869 trans., T. 17.-The translation ought in my opinion to be :-The fame of the sole
nero-king of the world increases as ench (poet) eulogises him, just as the lotns riscs according as the water rises high in the tank)'.-H. K. S.