(V. 22.) By (possessing this son (i.6. Krishịa-Pandita) the praiseworthy couple Mechambikā and Singapărya came to be ranked foremost among parents (lit. thobe possessing children) in this world.
(V. 23 ) The founder of the lineage of (Kfishna-Pandita), who hns obtained fame in the Yajar-Voda and 80 on, is Bharadvāja, praised by founders of families like Vasishtha and others.
(V. 24.) His younger brother, the wise and fortunate Annadata, prospers well, making his designation literally appropriate by feeding (the needy) day and night.
(V. 25.) These two) elder and younger brothers, serving by the side of the famous king Vijaya-Bhatpati, who was an Indra on earth, resembled the two celestial brothers) the Asvins.
(V. 26 to 30.) This illustrious and virtuous ruler, the heroic Vijaya, who was a celestial tree on earth and a mine of compassion, and who was ornamented with good qualities, having founded the new village called Kriyasakti-pura, adorned with rich fields, houses, pleasure-gardens and boundary marks, in the auspicious Dand halli sthala' in Huli nadu of great yield, in the Mulvågila rajya, gave (it) as a free gift, together with the eight kinds of easemonts, to Kfishpa Pandita, a companied by the pouring of water, and a fee, in order to propitiate (the god) Tryambaka, in the Saka year expressed by the (chronogram) rangaloka (i.e. 1332), in the (cyclic) year Vikriti, on the day of Sravana which corresponded to a Monday, the 11th tithi of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada and was coupled with the yoga (called) Lakshmi-Nārāyapa.
(V. 31.) (Subsequently) this Krishpa-Pandita founded in that place a tank called Vijayasamudra endowed with charm all round.
(V. 82.) Even to speak of (the lake) Achchhoda, while describing it (i.e. tank), is vain, oven the Mānasa-saras (the tank of the gods) does not become attractive to the minds of the people (after once seeing this).
(V. 33.) It seems as if Lakshmi performs her sportive dance over the claster of lotuses (in this tank),- the swans (being) her noisy anklets and the row of) sdrasa birde her jingling girdle.
(Vv. 34 and 35.) The wise, wealthy, virtuous and discriminate Krishna-Pandita, with the permission of the king, made a gift of the agrahara adorned by the tank above described to Brāhmaṇas. The best of the Brihmaņas who received shares are enumerated in regular order.
(LI. 75 to 146.) List of donees:
Name of the done.
Pather's name.
No. of abare.
Gopinatha (Vlahņu). Ramāsa (siva). . Govinda . . . . Raigaya. Obhala . . . . . Govinda .
. .
. Kaafika . Do.
. .
1 The Alvins are the inseparable twina who serve a physicians to the gods.
• Daodahali hala may have been the lowest territorial division in which the village Kriyabaktl-pors was ituated. The word athala in this sense correspoude to thana or fhänga of other inscriptious and is etymologically GODDeated with them.
Achchhods and Manass-ennus are two famoos lakes in the Himalayas.