No. 2.]
Tripuranta kam inscription. The donees Annadātā and Daggappärya were apparently related to the douor, the one being his brother and the other his nephew. Under his full name Krishna-Pandita was evidently the Rāmakrishna who reserved for himself 20 shares in the village. He was well versed in the Yajur-Voda and belonged to the Bhäradvāja gotra. His younger brother Annadātā must be distinguished from his namesake, the son of Chaundapāmátya, which latter belonged to the Vasishtha götra.
Dandehalli, near which was situated the granted village Kriyasakti-pura or AbhinavaVijaya-Bakkarāya-bamudra, is the same as the modern Dandapalle, where these plates were found. Of the places mentioned among the boundaries Eļāru is a village very near Dapdapalle. Tirumaladari,i.e. the road leading to Tiramala, must have been a recognised pilgrimroute which passed the granted village. I am unable to identify Tälakange or Tälakuņte and Arasảndeyahalli, the two other villages mentioned in the plates.
TEXT. [Metre of verses 1-44, Anushfubh; of 45, Mandākranta; of 46 48, Anushfubh ; of 49, Mands. kranta; of 50-55, Anushfubh ; v. 56-please see note 2, page 68 above; of 57-61, Anushubh; and of 62, Salini.]
___First plate. 1 शुभमस्तु । कल्याणाय गणाधोपः १ कारख्यांभोधिरस्तु वः । सदा गंडखली 3 यस्य सरसा दानकुस्थया(-) [१] संपत्तिं श्री 4 वराहो वः संपादयतु भूयसीं । सा. 5 मोदामुहहन् भूमिं समुद्रसति8 लामुतां ।[२] बियः कुलए मौरः यथा'7 मुर्तिकमापतेः । सृष्टिराद्या विधेरस्तु जी8 वनं जीवनाय वः [*] पति चंद्रः सुधासूति9 रमलामा कलानिधिः । संजात: चीर. 10 पायोधी 'बायो समीसहोदरः [४] मुरा
सुरघिरोरबळालितांघ्रिसरोवः । सा
धमान' खयं धत्ते सिरसा यं सदाशिवः [५] 18 वसुधायां जगत्स्यातो वंशस्तस्य समे-" 14 धते । जातो या हरिमाचाजगतां प्र. 16 भवो विभुः [*] पभूत गुणगांभोधि[र]16 व्याहतपराक्रमः । बुबरायपस्त
* No. 355 of the Madras Epigraphical Collection for 1905.
. The honorific epithet ramin given toKrishpa-Papidita in 1.90 and the way in which his name is introduced in v. 21 immediately after the description of Kriyabakti lend us to suspect that these may have been identical. + From the original plates.
was first written and then corrected. IT is corrected froma.
• Read °मान:* The symbol for is added in error by the engraver to the preceding letter f fartend of to . • Read चार