chhanga, . . . . . Chhatémba, ti. . Chhihila Atharva-charpe-dvivedin, M., Chhinde, dy... .
. Chhitellaks, a field, . . . .
PAGE 296, 303, 810 198, 199, 200
206 . 989 . 182, 187
Chhoto, ,
PAGI Chandrachada, a Kakoli acharya, 169, 233, 234,
285, 357 Chandra-dēva, a Gahadavala k., . . .158 Chandra-dova, a Kanawj k., . . . . 192 Chandra-Dikshita, ., . . . . 814, 819 Chandridity, a Kanyakubya k. 193, 194, 195,
197, 198, 199 Chandragupta I. & II., Gupta kk. . . 987-9 Chandra-midhava, a divinity, . . 10, 197, 199, 200 Chandramaalisvara-4VXmin, a divinity, 367, 859 & ..7 Chandrapala, feud., . . . . . . 185 Chandrappărya, ., .. . . . 78, 88 Chandrasekhara Sarasvati, a Kaichi acharya, 189,
178, 175, 284,
235, 354, 856-9 Chandratreya, a gotra, . . . . . 208 Chandravarman, a Pushkarapa k.. . 887, 889 Chandrivati, ci., . . • 192, 197, 199, 200 Changalapatta, oi. . . . . . .858-9 Changalipatta, a Sima, . . . . . 178 Charaku-vitaka, Di., . .
. .
88, 89, 94 96
, charana, Taittirly,.
. . . 885, 888 Charsada pedestal inscription, . . . . 182 chara, . . . .
. .
128, 151, 158, 186
120, 101, 102, Chirudatta, ., . . . . . 887 chita,
. . . 150, 827 Chathatari, pi.. . chatta,. . .
181 Chattarsan II., a Sindach,
289 châtarmay . . .
140 Chaturvēdin Réve, .
152 Chaturbloki, a poem, .
. 86 Chaadi-Bhatte, .,. . . . 814, 819 Chaillys, a götra,. .
165, 167 Chaundáry, ., . . . . . 70, 75, 81 cha röddharapika,. . . . . 180, 827 chau ,. . . .
. . . 176, 188 Chavana, ., . . . . . . . 209 Chivaţi, di.,
. . 325, 387, 830 Chivanda II., a Sinda ok., . . . . 258 Chengars, co., . . .
84, 88, 91, 98 Chennakoisva, a divinity, • 841, 345-6, 358 Choundri-pindya (ppido), vin . • 818, 317, SES Cher, dy.... . . . . . 171, 176 Chén, a people, .. . . . . 840 chl, form of, .
Chidambaram, a shrine,
. 240, 838 Chidanandaghana, a Käveli acharya, . . Chiddhana, a Kaichi acharya,. . . Chid vilis, a Kaichi acharya,. . Chikka-Parushottama, ., . . . . Chilada, oi., . . . . . chinnagey kada . . . . chinnagay kada-nakharanga! . . . 286, 278 Chinnakadabůru, vis . Chippagiri Raghava-Bhatta, ..., Chirivill, ring . . .
195, 196, 201 Chir-stape : Chiteakhr, a Käjoht koharya, Chitaukhôndra, a Kaioh acharya, ... 934 Chitténa, ... . . .
. .
. 76, 83 Chitt-Bhatte, .. . . .
. 814, 819 Chiyanondal, pi. . . . . 318, 317, 828 Chodi-Bhatta, . . . . . . 815, 821 Chols, dy.. . . . . • 84, 85, 185,
128, 171, 176, 240 сhоѕ, a people,
240, 266, 271, 275 Chola-bhana, a drama, . . . . 87 .. 1 chowrie figured, . . . . 864 Chadavin, os., . . . . 301 Chadaviardvädalaks, di, . aa, hy. .
. . 196, 198 Chalukya-Chalaky, . . Chata-palliki, vi, . . . 925, 827, 880 Compounded words at beginning of verne, 101, 106 Conch shells,. .
. . . 156, 198 Conjoeveram. Soe Kifichi, conjunct consonante, form of, . . . 233 Consonante doubled after anvin, , 07 cow Agared, . . . . . . cap for worship . . . . 158
144, 167
D 4, form of, . . . stor dh, . Dädi-Bhatte, w.,. Dadig, a Ganga prines, .
. .
. .
349 899
The Agnre refer to page 1. after Agar to footnotes, and add to Additions and Corrections. The following other abbreviations are used t o chief co. -countrydi. -district, division , do. - thomme, dittoi dy-dynasty 1 8.- Raatorn foud.feudatory b.-king w.-man mt. -mountain ri. -river , d. - WHO NR. mame ..temple; vi.-village, town; w.- Western mo.-woman.