|| [77*] Arddha 1 ma-satē disa vyargha-dōraka-sambhave tath-ekshutavapim drammo-raghattē yava-harakaḥ || [78] Dane cha bhamdavā (dha)nyānāṁ bharaka [h] su (su)ddha
50 vi[m]satau tena datta[b] sva-dharmmēņa bharaka-ohhanga va cha || [79] Sa-vätikam tatha těna puram dhavala-mamdiram | karitam bhuḥ pradatta cha dēvāy-aghāṭa-sammita || [80*] V1(b)japarikam-skah in lagaḍayas-cha dapitaṁ [*] đãpitar (*) givin yavānāṁ muṭake (ka)syaisha vapas-ch-atavikō tatha, [81] Srüyatam bhu
51 vi bhāpālāḥ pradattaṁ sasanam mayå
pälyatam-anyatha n-åtra maulau
va (ba)ddho-yam-amjaliḥ [82*] Pritha-prabhritibhir-bhūpair-bhuktokaiḥkēna medini tair-apy-esha punaḥ sarddhaṁ yato n-aika-padam gata || [89] Kaviḥ Sumati-Sadharo vamée Sadhara-sambhave va(ba)bhüva kramasö
52 n Bharati-karppa-kumdalam || [84] Tasya sut[o] gupa-chamdana-sumdarasamjata-dig-vadha-tilakaḥ kavi-jana-mukha-kumuda-sasi jayata[m] éri-VijayaSädhäraḥ || [85*] Tasy-Anujen-abhihita prasastis-Chamdrēņa chamdrojjvala-kirt-bhaja I Sa(sa)ka[t"] sahasr-aika-sa(sa)tě prays[te
53 [ttare trimsa (sa)ti yāti kālē || [86] Vā(bā)laya jati-kayastha-Sridharasy= ĕha sünuna | likhita Asarājēna prasastiḥ svastha-chētasā 11 [87] Utkirņņā vijn *5 muņēkēna sutradharo
Samvat 1186 Phalguna su di 9 Sukre | mangalam?
(Line 1.) Om! Om! homage to Siva!
(Verse 1) May the glances of Devi at the time of her marriage protect you-(glances) confused with excitement, budding forth with pleasure, quivering with delight, made low by modesty, as in terror at the hissing of the snakes olinging to his arm she clenched her hand, which was drawn back by the old ladies for Sambhu, who seized it eagerly in firm grasp!
(Verse 2.) May the moon-crested one [Siva] protect you, who bears on his head the moon that is wasted away as if from annoyance at the superiority of Gauri's face that is ever present !
(Verse 3.) There is in this land a famous mountain, Arbuda, the summit of which supports the heaven on high, (and) which stands in the highest rank among the lofty mountains beginning with Meru; upon which for a moment night has been imagined by Siddhas to be day and day to be night, as they beheld the sun and moon licked by rays (respectively) of crystals and topazes.
(Verse 4.) Upon it the excellent saint Vasishtha, freed from embodied life, magnificent in his conduct, a treasure of divine knowledge, boundless in merits, performed labours of true mortification; through being long in contact with the smoke flaring up from his agni-hotra rites, (and) passing through the sky, as it were, the horses of the Sun were coloured bay.
1 For this missing syllable the transcription of Pandit Gopal Lal Vyas gives sh. Much of the rest of the verse is corrupt.
Apparently corrupt; should we read bharake ?
Read -bhukt-aikaikēna.
One akshara is here illegible.
About 12 aksharas here are almost illegible, of which pos. 6-10 look like Gumdāka-sätradhäräḥ.
1 The transcription of Pandit Gopal Lal Vyas adds here mahā-4rī ||.
[In a number of unspecified points I should dissent from the subjoined rendering of this elaborate composition. But it is not necessary to discuss them, as the historical facts are not affected.-Ed.]
The meaning of this utpreksha is that the Sun's horses got their bay colour because of their regularly passing through the sky, which was full of the smoke of his constant sacrifices.