INDICES OF NAKSHATRAS AND YOGAS. To take for close work the place of Table VIII, cols. 6 to 13, of the " Indian Calendar."
Ending point by the Equal-space
Ending point by the system of Garga.
Serial number.
Ending point by the
Serial number,
Ending point.
10,000ths of
10,000hs of
10,000ths of
Afvini. .
18 20 870-870 18 10 85 366-0108 1 Viahkambba Bharani. . 740-740 20 0 666-5 19 46 62 549-0061 2 Priti Krittiks . . 1111i 83 20 925-826 82 B6 274 915-0270 8 Ayushmat. Rõhiņi . . 201481-481 63 20 1481-48i 62 42 20 1464-0432 4 Saubhagya . Mrigasiras
1861-861 66 40 1861-861 66 62 55 1830-0540 5 sõbhana . Ardra. . 02222-2 73 20 2037.037 72 28 12 2013-06946 Atiganda Punarvasa
2592-692 93 20 2592-692 92 14 6 2562-0756 7 Sukarman Pashya . . 2962-962 106 40 2962-962 105 24 40 2928-0884
8 Dhriti. Aslesha . . 08838-8 118 20 3148-148 111 59 572 3111-0918 9 stis. .
Magha . 138 20 3703-705 126 40 8618-618 126 10 32 3477-1026 10 Ganda 11 Pärva Phalgani 148 40 4074 074 1800 3888-3 188 21 78843-1184 11. Vriddhi'.
Uttar Phalgant 160 0 41444160 441 158 7 0 48921296 | 12 Dhtova 10 18 Hasta . .173 204814814
173,20 4814-811 171 17 85 4758-1404 18 Voighit I Chitri . 186 40 6185-186 196 40 5186-185 184 28 10 61241612 | 14 Hashana
Svati . . 56666 193 20 8870-870 191 8 2758071668 16 Vajra 18 | Vi65thi. . 20 5925-026 218 20 5926-926 210 49 205868-1728 16 Siddhi, orli
Asrij. Anuradha . .
8996-296 2296-298 223 69 656222-1836 17 Vyatipāta. Jyesbthe. . 6666-6
0481-481 230 35 1246405-1890 18 Varigas . Müla , 207087·081 246 49 6851-851 243 45 471 6771-1998 | 19 Parigha Purva Ashādha . 266 40 7407401 2600 7222-
2 266 66 2247187-2106 20 siva Uttara Ashadba. 280 0 7777:7 280 of 7777-7
21 Siddha Abhijitt .
..... 280 56 30 7808-9862 Sravan . : 8148-148 298 20 8148-148 294 7 5 8169-9480 22 Sadhys 28 Dhanishtha on 8618-618 308 40 8618-618 307 17 40 8535-9568 23 Subha
Snvishthi. 24 Satabhishaj or 8888-8 819 20 | 8703-708 918 62 674| 8718-962224 sulla
Satatarata. 26 Parva Bhadra- 90 9260-466 326 40 9014-074 327 8 329084-9730 26 Brahman 28 Uttara Bhadrs. 846 40 9629-628 348 409629-620 346 49 259633-9892 25 Indra. 47 Berati . . 360 10,000 360 10,000 360 10,000 Vaid briti.
mow in the game of the equal-space nakshatra (number by bumber) as given in cola, 3, 4
The ending point is the
• Asvini begins at 0° by al systems.
+ Though, properly speaking, there is no Abhijit in the equal-space system in ordinary use, sometimes it to referred to a secondary detail. When this les the case, it has the same limits as fixed by the Brahma-Siddhanta, via. 278° 48' 16 to 28068' 80, or, in 10,000ths of the girale, 7886-2269 to 7808-9362