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(Lines 15-17.) And as regards his titles : Hail! the asylum of the whole world, beloved of Fortune and Earth, the great Emperor, the paramēsvara, the paramabhaltāraka, ornament of 8ztyäśraye's race, embellishment of the Chāļukyas, the fortunate Tribhuvanamalla Vira8ômēsvara-dēva, in a course of continually increasing prosperity reigning for as long as moon, san, and stars endure at the standing camp at Kalyana in the enjoyment of pleasant conversations, then
(Verse 10.) As one may onll it " the land of Kuntala, the brilliant graceful brow of the Lady of the ocean-encompassed Earth," there is displayed of the radiantly brilliant land of Kuntala high forehead-ornament, the county of Ballakundi, haunted by extreme good fortune, like a jasmine on the braided tresses, quivering in sportive grace, of the Lady Earth,
(Line 18.) If it be asked how this is :
(Verse 11.) Adorned with pure roeping-plants, eager bees, (and) rios-orope, never a village failing; with garigas, yeomen, wealthy and charming persons, never a village failing; with tomples of gods, never & village failing; with worthy votaries, never a village failing-the mid-county of Ballakunde is delightfal, in truth (like) the spring.
(Line 19.) So the midst of the county
(Verse 12.) The stronghold of Karagöda pats to shame the strongholds of the oceans on the right and left; surpassing strongholds cf woods and hills on the adjoining sides, it displays itself (like) a central mountain, impasse bie to all.
(Verse 13.) This fortress of Kuragodu bolds in control the Chola; it verily threatens the Garjara; truly it rules over the Lalal; it presses sorely upon the Pandya; it confronts with opposition the monarch of the Telugas; in the matter of warfare it waxes seven times greater - a marvel! who can disturb it P
(Lines 21-22.) As regards the outer town of this fastness -
(Verse 14.) It is resplendent around this Kurugodu with mws of tilakas (gymplocos moemosa). tamalas (xanthoobymus pictorias), palmyras [borassus flabelliformis), plantains, vakulas (mimusops elengi]; with lines of trampet-flowers [bignonia guaveolens) ; with olamps of fig-trees (Gous religiosa); with multitudes of citron-trees (citrus medios), camphor trees, kitaras, karnikdras (pterospermum aperifolium), silk-ootton trees, lavalis, olove-trees [myristica caryophyllata], mangoes, in fukas [butes frondosa), and 0000anat palms; and with parks of all seasons..
(Line 23.) Furthermore, in this town
(Verse 15.) The wealthy make naught of the Wealth-giver [Kubėra); the jewellers there laugh at the Lord of the Ocean [Varuna]; the rulers resemble Manu; famed among men, it is verily like Bhögavati.
(Verse 16.) A home of devotion ; a site of devotion; an established order (R) of devotion ; . (seat of) growth of devotion; a realm of devotion ; & treasure of devotion—the spirit of devotion to Siva has come and settled in this Karugodu.
(Verse 17.) There has arisen in sooth a ruler of this town, whose bosom wears the charaing saffron of the breasts of the Lady Fortune, the peerless Irmadi-Biohamalla [i.e. Rachamala II).
(Line 25.) With regard to this king's lineage :
(Verse 18.) When a lord of snakes, deoming the brightly flashing Instre of the sword in the long arm of the Gracions [Siva] to be a female snake, had embraced it with delight of spirit, thoro was born Sinde, joy of all the world. Scil., the natitry of Lata, Southern Gujarat
* Either the Moun terree or Rottieris tinctoria, The Averrhoa solda or Cioca distiche