No. 19.]
42 alli Biyanahattiya dariyim terkapa kisu kammar 450 Biyanabattiy-trim
terka Bhimanātha-dēvara keyyim madana takkila mattar i kammam 450
Arakereyalt 43 Dom davattiya dariyim mrdana sthalav=eradakkar kisu kamma 700 alliya
būdumbeyanim badagara gadde-kattu 5 Pundarikana kereye kelage gadde
kattu 3 imt-iv-initum 44 Hiriya-Rāc hamalla-dēvara munnam kott-irddavul [ll] Mattar Simda-Govinda
sita(ga*]ra garndam Pātāla-chakravartti Bhögāvati-puravar-idhiśvaram sri
Vira-Kalidēva-nitya-prasadam śri45 man-mahāma daļēśvaram Yirmmadi-Rācbamalla-dēvarasaru Saks-varsha 1103
neya? Plava-samvatsu(tsa)rada Kärttika-pupnami Somavāra Bðma-grahaņadamda
Sripuravan-agrahāra var măduva kaladalu Bala-Siva-dēva46 ra kälan karchchi dhårā-pårvvakar éri-Svayambha-devar-amga-bhogam(ga)-ranga
ka-Siva-dharmms-puråņa-pathanav=anna-dānav=int-initakkar Tekkekala 47 hole-vēreyim müdal Araliyahāļa simeyim terkal Hamgaveyin paduval
Goranabāļa simeyim badagal Ballakunde näda baliga pūrvva-lim-ănvitavägi
kottal Jintegrāma 1* [*] 48 Mattam Kurugoda boladalu Uppuva!sadim mñdana kisu-vattar 3 Or
VĀyalūrimmidal Arakereya hole-vēreyim paduval takkilms 1 kamma
300 [II] Mattam Bêchaiyan-odale Kaiļāsakke hoha 49 same(ms) gadal-agni-pravēšavam māļuvalli dharmma-patni patibrate Baiļiyak
kanun Malpāņiyakkanum srimad-arasaram bodi komdu Manivara sthaladala
Tumgabhadra-dēviyim terkal Sigürs hole-vēre50 yim miduvalu kotta takkilte mattar 2 chinnageykada-nakharangalum kadi
achchina moleyalli kotta dalakke visa' 2 káni 2 mattav-svaru konta (pda)lli 80 2 kotalli so 2 mattar angadiyals satt[u]g-ayam 1
TRANSLATION. (Line 1.) Homage to the blessed Lord Svayambha !
(Verse 1.) Homage to Sambha, beauteous with the yak-tail fan which is the moon kiesing his lofty head, the foundation-colamn for the construction of the city that is the threefold world!
(Verse 2.) Victorious is he of brilliant glory, fulfilling the objects of desire, pervading all worlds, emperor of gods, dispeller of Daityas' pride, embracer of Parvati, Sambhu to whom sages bow, the Svayambhd who is god of gods.
(Verse 3.) Homnge to that Sambhu on whose conquest of the haughty Three Cities by the fiery ray from his frontal eye the multitude of gods' skulls were restored to life by the nectars streaming from his oozing moon-digit, and praised him in delight; aud who smiles as Gauri embraces him in an access of terror at the clamour arising thenoe.
(Verse 1.) Victorious in victory over women is he whose magnificent breast has been given the same colour as the covering saffron lying on Gauri's full bosom, who is truly skilful in crushing Kundarpa's pride, who has three flashing eyes, who protects the company of the
1 After this word there are three faskhas on the stone, marking the end of that part of the rrcord. The writer first wrote the figures 1102, and then corrected the 2 intha 3, not very rurcessfully. The syllable Go is somewhat doubtful.
After this figure is the sign of a farkha. Tustead of Or vayalarim as two words, read Ortayalarini. Rend midalu.