No. 14.]
15 sam pattu panavum madhyamam-appa] 16 okkal clam panavum kanishta(shtha)rxaydum 17 kaniyasar mūsum=amtt-appa obage18 utsähangalge ond=okkal-ondu putti19 ge ma chora-pāka-danda das-spara20 dhamga!-appav=ellam pūrvv-åcharam &21 (putra-dhanam=envodu täne illi [e]pig[e] KA22 rttika-māsadul-koduvadu guttam ravamge Ma23 gha-māsadul-koduvadu pāņdi-setti näl-chha-1 24 siram tirmesagadeņakko polalan-ale ka25 fichagåra-sönige mane vid=illådadu utta26 mammappa okkal-chelade irppattu palam 27 madhyamam padinaydu kanishta (shthan pattu kani28 yasam aydum=amtt-appa osage-utsähanga29 lge samiham or-ttole telliga-sõpige 30 mane vid=illadadu kul-illādadu tereyum 31 k[@]yollärt are-våda keyy-illadadu HO32 re matt-appa Bage-utsähamgalge ilti 39 vayilamun pettavio vayilamum sova geyi 34 maryyåde irppatta ayi valla ke35 yya vittiyān=keyină
[g]āsa36 sēpige uttamam a . . . . . . 37 madhyamam siyira . . . . . . . 38. Büyira[un] kanishtha[m] kani yasam] 39-40 [illegible]
Second face. 41-43 [illegible) 44. • ra sēņige 45 aras-aļke . . . . . 46 svasti eri-Kapparmad-aram47 ge kotta keyum godi-7 48 gar-odam mtinu(nd)rvvarur okka49 lum nal-gámundanum ilda 50 kottor [ll*] Idam ko!vom Vå51 rañasivamar ali. 52 dona lokakke sandon akkum 53 säsirvvår=pārvarum så 54 (yira kavi]leyumam ko55 [nda lokakke sa]n[a]on-akku [ll]
1 It is not quite clear whether this letter is meant for chha or dhá ; I have decided for the former in iooordance with grammatical role (see Kittel's Grammar, p. 178).
* Most of these seven aksharas are more or less uncertain, and no senso can be obtained from them. . Or possibly belade. • The subscript letter wbich I read as ļā is not quite clear ; apparently what is mennt in slvår or wfvor . Or possibly ilti, with a cursive l.
• The oi (if that is the right reading) is written above the lino, having apparoutly been omitted by the error of haplography.
Or possibly gadi-.