The first grant recorded in the inscription-though it is not the first from a chronological point of view-begins with two benedictory verses invoking the san-god, followed by two similar verses in praise of the goddess Durga (11. 1-4). It is issued from the capital at Mahodaya and gives the genealogy of the donor as follows:
1. Mahārāja Dēva-sakti-Dēva, a devotee of Vishņu ;
2. His son, born of [queen) Bhūyikā-Dēvi, Mahārāja Vatsa-rāja-Dēva, a devotee of Mahësvata (Šiva);
3. His son, born of [queen] Sundari-Dēvi, Maharaja Naga-bhata-Dēve, a devotee of Bhagavati (Durga);
4. His son, born of [queen] Isaţa-Dēvi, Mahārāja Rāma-bhadra-Dēva, a devotee of the sun-god;
5. His son, born of [queen] Appa-Dēvi, Mahārāja Bhoja-Dēva, a devotee of Bhagavati;
6. His son, born of [queen] Chandra-bhattārika-Dévi, Mahārāja Mahēndra-pāla (I.), a devotee of Bhagavati;
7. His son, born of [queen) Mahādēvi-Dēvi, Maharaja Vināyaka-pala-Dēva, a devotee of the sun-god; and
8. His son, born of queen) Prasidhani-Dēvi of the Devathāddhi (?) family, Maharaja Mahēndra-pala-Déva (II.), a devotee of Mahēsvars (11. 5-9).
The last-named king enjoins all and sundry residing in the village of Kharpara-padraka, -in the holding of Tala-vargiks Harishada, and situated in the vicinity of Ghöntä-varahikā. in the western Pathaka (district) of Dasa-pura, - and the residents of the neighbourhood, that the said village Kharpara-padraka, with all rights belonging thereto, has been bestowed by him, for all time to come, at the request of Dhana-sara, upon tho goddess Vata-yakshiņi Dovi, (wboso shrine is connected with the Matha (monastery) of Hari Rishisvara, versed in all the four Vēdas, resident of Dasa-pura, on an auspicious day, after bathing in the Kahimki Gamgå, for increase of religious merit to the donor's parents (11. 9-12). The grant is written by Parðhita Trivikrama-nátha, under orders from Jajja-näge, is dated the fifth day of the dark half of Märgga (Mārga-sirsha), in the samvat year 1003 (A.D. 846), and is signed by Sri Vidagdha," his own hand " (1.13).
The name of Mahāndra-pala (II.), son of Vināyaka-pĀla, comes to our knowledge for the first time from this inscription. There seems to be a double entente in the word prasādhana, in which the writer pays & compliment to the queen-mother, by name Prasādhana-Dēvi, by calling her the ornament of the family of her birth' (1.9). The name of this family Devathăddhi (?) is not quite clear for purposes of identification. Of the names and places mentioned Mahodaya (Kanauj) and Dasa-pura (Mandasor), and the names of the kings and queens call for no remark. Kharpara-padraka is the modern village of Kharot, 7 miles south-east of Partābgash. Ghöntāvarshikal can be identified with Ghotārai, 7 miles east of Partäbgarh and about 8 miles north-east of Kharot. The Kähimki Gargă (the river Kähimki) cannot be identified. Jajjanägs was probably the Dütaka of the grant. Vidagdha appears to be the Governor of the province who issued this grant under his own signature..
The name of this village is spelt w Ghönta-varahika (L. 10), Ghönti-varshika (1. 23) and Ghõpta-varuhi (1. 84).