also given extracts from the Gururatnamalāstava, and have identified the doneos of these grauts. Our identification of the donees with the Gurus of the Sankaracharya matha is supported by the epithets used in the grant before us : 'the wearer of holy beads' (rudraksha).
whose body is besmeared with holy ashes,' 'one who is above the pairs of opposites,-beat: oold, oto., which give pain,' 'Guru who has the form of Siva.'
We have already shown elsewhere that Krishṇa-deva Raya's gifts at holy places are confirmed by inscriptions. His conquest of Kalinga is referred to in various stone inscriptions His suzerainty over Anga and Vanga mast be regarded, however, as an empty boast. It is possible to understand A-Gaiga-tira-Laiks° as referring not to the Ganges river, but to one of the rivers of Berar (Wainganga or Penganga). There is no confirmatory evidence of the Vijayanagara Raja having extended his arms as far north as the Ganges. Nor is there any ovidence of the conquest of the Chora codutry by Narasa, father of Krishpa-deva Raya. There is an anachronistio reference to an invasion of Krishna-deva Raya in the Kërabotpatti, the traditional history of the Malayalam country. But the west coast of South India was practically independent.
The Kanarese birudas of the king were mostly borrowed from those of the kings of the first dynasty, as also the titles Rajadhiraja and Raja-paramėśvara.
TEXT, Metres : V. 1-4, 6-8, 12 and 13, 25-27, 29-42, 45-49, Anushtubh; w.sand 20, Sardülavikridita ; v. 10, 14, 21 and 28, Sragdhari ; v. 9, Parini ; v. 24, Dodhaka.]
Plate I, Side t. 1 श्रीगणाधिपतये नमः । नमस्तुंगशिरः विचंद्र2 चामरचारवे । बैलो'नगरारंभमूलस्तंभाय भव' [| 1"] हरलीलावरा'8 इस्य दंष्ट्रादंड: स पातु वः । हेमाद्रिकलमा यत्र धाबी चवत्रियं दधौ ।। 2"]
कल्याणायास्तु त धाम प्रत्यूहतिमिरापहं । याजोप्यगजीभूत' रि
णापि च पूज्यते ।।। 3.] अस्ति चोरमया "देवेर्मवमानान् महांबुधेः । नवनी8 तमिवीतमपनीततमो मरः [4*तशासी तनय"स्तपोभिरतुरन्थ
1 See Madras Epigraphist's Report for 1915, Nos. 18 and 64 of App. C.
* One of the birdar of Devariya II in the Satyamangalam plates, edited by Dr. Haltesch in Rp. Ind., Vol. III. pp. 36-41, Ho Bhash-atilanghi-bapala-bhajanga, which is Sanskrit rendering of Badehage tappuse ragara ganda. The birdat in that grant are mostly the mme wo in oun:
राजाधिराजतेबसी बी राबपरमकरः। भावातिचहिमपावभुमानिवदीयसः ।। मूबराबरमांकः पररावभवर
हिन्दरायमुरबाणे बन्दिवच वर्षत। Dr. Haltrich translates these passages m follows:
"He bore the surnamen (hiruda.) Rajadhirija, Rajaparamdvara,' the diagracer of Ingo who break their word." the diagnoor of the three king of the south),''the terrifer of hostile king and the sultan (ruratripa) among Hinda kinga.'” .. From the original.
• Rand शिरपि.
• Rad खो. • Read भवे.
Radरखोलावाख. •Read anम. •kad पूतं. » Read °मवाद
.Rnd "तनक.