These conclusions admit of an independent corroboration. Dr. Fleet has recently published an article, in which he states that the Pengkonda oopper-plate grant of the Western Ganga Madhava II. is perhaps the first genuine record of the Gangas, which he would assign on palæographio grounds to about 475 A.D. Now, assuming that the name Ganga king Mādhava II. was married to a sister of the Kadamba Maharaja Krishna-varman I, we may easily consider Krishņa varman I. to have lived about 475 A.D. and his elder brother Santi-varman'at a slightly earlier date, say 470 A.D. If we test the accuracy of our assumed dates for the present grant in this light, we find that in one case we leave a space of about [526-470)=56 years or so, and in the other of about [545-470)=75 years or bo, to be bridged over by three generations, as Hari-varman was the great-grandson of Santi-varman, grandson of Mrigosa-varman and son of Ravi-varman. The assumption, involving a gap of about 75 years for the three generations, is the more probable, as the average period for & generation is in India calculated to be 25 years. So 545 A.D. is the most probable date for our record. The dato of accession for Hari-varman, on this assumption, would be 588 A.D.
The accompanying plates have been prepared from impressions taken for me by the office of the Superintendent, Archæological Survey, Western Circle, Poona.
TEXT. [Metres : v. 1-3, Anushțubh Sloka.]
First plats. 1 Jayati dhruva-bål-onda-jata-makața-mandanah. [1] anady-anidhanas-Sambhur
vvi[]vosha [ñ]-jaga[ta]m-[patih] [ll] 2 Vijaya-Vaijayantyam Svēmi-Mahāsēna-matri-gan-Enuddhyân-abhishiktan [m] 3 Mānevye-18-gðtrānam Hariti-putrăņām pratikpita-svådhyâya-charchchi4 päräpárn Sri-nitambänam Kadambånām apoka-janminta[r-0] 6 pachita-vi[pu]la-p[u]øya-skandha-yasarā [mn] sāksbā[a iva] Dharma
Second plate; First side. 6 răjab sakala-di[g-an]tar-odit-mala-kirttih-praja-rakshapa-dikshitas-fruta-vinaya7 pavitrita-bariro dvijäti-bartshå-parab-parama-Māhāśvaras-Sri-Harivarmm. 8 pravarddham.na-rajy-Ishtama-samvatsar; Abvayuj-amāvasyāyam vishupo
9 sva-kul-abhivsiddhay: Atharvva-voda-paragőbhyaḥ sva-dharmma-karmma-niratēbhyah 10 Kaimbala-sa-gotrebhyaSiva-barmma-Prajapati-larmma-Dhátri-sarmma-Nan[a]i-darmmaDharmma
Second plate ; Second side. il (farm]mabhyah Káläla-sa-gotršbbyah Vaikuntha-farmma-Vasa-karmama-Nagar
ba[r]mma (Ms Jadapa-barmmabhyah Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July 1916, pp. 471.ff.
• No low than four copper-plate granta mention this relation between the Gangas and Kadambss Fand, thougte the records are bold to be spurloon, there is no reason why the alluged alliance should be considered fetitious. The identity of Krishna-varian can be established from the fact that he is maid in all the records which refer to him to have performed the oelebrated Abra-modhe merit (vide tint of Southern Inscriptions, p. Ind., Vol. VII, No. 112-116) . From the original plates and a set of impresions,
Bead Futa; d. Ind. Ast, Vol. VI, p. 88; Vol. VII, p.$; Bp. Carna, Vol. IV, p. 136, perhaps the word wms more common then in the form malufa than a wulufa The word Siddham is written in the margin opposite h 2.
. Read Vaibople