ern India Gargoya-dova is porhaps the only prince whose surname was Vikramaditya ;1 bat. as he was dead before 1042 A.D.,' he cannot be said to have been the contemporary of VijayaBūna. The only possible person in Southern India is Vikramaditya VI of Kalyāui, the founder of the Chalukya-Vikrama era, who ascended the throne in 1076 A.D. We have not as yet come across the namo Sähasanks as a surname of this Vikramāditya, nor have we heard of his campaigns in Northern India. So the only possibility is the Chamba prince. In the troubled times when the last remnants of the Gurjara-Pratīhāra empire in Kanyakubja or Pratishthāns were being destroyed and when Chandra-deva was trying to found the Gähadavāla kingdom, Vijaya-sēna of Bengal may have come in contact with Sālivāhana somewhere in Northern India. Further information is to be found in verse 10, where it is stated that tho principal queen of Vijaya-söna wol Vilasa-dēvi. Vallala-sena was the son of Vijaya-sēna by Vilasadēvi. Verse 14 states that the land granted as the dakshina of the gift of the golden horse (nēm-ašva-dūna) on the occasiou of a solar eclipse by the mother of the king was recorded by Vallāla-sõna on a copper-plate and given to the learned Ovisu, i.e. Ovūsudēva-sarman.
The inscription records the grant of the village of Vallahiţthi, with habitable (tāstu), cultivable (nāla), and waste (klila) lands, measuring seven bhü-patakas, nine dronas, one ādlaka, forty unmānas and three kūkas, measured by the nala called Vrishabha-sarikara; with an annual income of five hundred Kaparddaka-purānas, in Svalpa-dakshiņa-vithi, of the Northern Rādha mandala, of the Varddhamana bhukti. This is the first mention in an ancient inscription of a mandala named Northern Rādha and of a bhukti named Varddhamana. The Varddhamāna bhuleti is mentioned in a new grant of Lakshmana-sona, discovered by Baba Amulya Charana Ghosha. The village of Vallahittha was granted by Vallala-sēna as the dukshina of the golden-borso gift made by Vilasa-dēvi, the mother of the king, on the banks of the Ganges, on the occasion of a solar eclipse (Suryyöparāgē), to the achārya, the illustrious Ovāsu-dēvafarmnn, son of Lakshmidhara-deva-sarman, the grandson of Bhadrēśvara-dova-sarman, and the great-grandson of Varaha-dova-sarman, of the Bharadvaja götra, whoso pravaras were Bharadväja, Argiras and Brihaspati, and who was a student of the Kauthami sakha of the Sama-vēda. The name of the donee presents some difficulties. In verse 14 he is simply referred to as the learned Vasu (Vāsu-vidrshë);- but in the prose portion, where his lineage is mentioned, his name is written "Acharya-Sri-Ovåsudova-farmmaņē," which may also be read as "Sri 3 Väsudēvasarmmaño ” meaning the thrice illustrious Vasudeva-sarmman." But in l. 63, in the verse which mentions the dütaka of the grant, the name occurs as “Ovasu" or "3 Väst," where we cannot take the first letter to be a numeral, because, if we do so, we shall be at a loss to explain it, as the syllable Sri is absent before it. It is therefore better to take the name as Ovisu-dēva-sarmman. The dataka of the grant was the minister of peace and war (Sandhivigrahika) Elari.ghosha, and it was iesued from the victorious camp at Vikrama-pura on the 18th day of Vaisakha of the 11th year of the king's reign.
The boundaries of the village granted are as follows:
It was sitaated to the north of the river Singațix, which lay to the north of the Sāsana of Khāndayillā, to the north-west of the river Singația, which lay to the north of the Sāsana of Nāļichā, to the west of the river Singațiä, which lay to the west of the Sasana of Amvayilla, to the south of the southern boundary-wall (Simāli) of Kudumvami, to the south of the boundary-wall on the west of Kudumvamá which runs to the west (paschima-gati), to the west of the southern cattle track (gopatha) on the south of the Auhagaddia, to the south of the boundary-wall which issues from the northern cattle track of Audagaddis, runs to the west and
Ep. Ind., Vol. VIII, App. 1, p. 16. * Ibid, Vol. VIII, App. II, p. 7.
? Ep. Ind., Vol. II, pp. 299-302. • This has to be corrected into aditzautask.