6. Paja inscription : samvatsare ekadasa [sa]timae 1 100 101 Sravanasa masasa di(valse panchadasa 10 4 1, " in the one-hundred-and-eleventh year, 111, on the fifteenth, 15., day of the mooth Srāvana."
6. Kaldarra inscription : vasha 1 100 10 1 11 Sravanasa 20, "gear 113, the 20. of Sra. vana."
7. Panjtar inscription : Sam 1 100 20 11 Sravapasa masasa di pradhame (or, perhaps, prathame) 1 maharayasa Grushanasa rajami," anno 122, on the first, I., day of the month Srivann, during the reign of the Maharaja the Gashapa."
8. Taxila inscription of the Khushana king : Sam 1 100 20 10 4 11 ayasa Ashadasa divase 10 4 1, "anno 136, on the 15. day of the first month Ashādha."
2. Dewal insoription : Sain 3 100 Vefakhasa masasa divano athame 44, "anno 200, on the eight, 8., day of the month Vaisakha."
10. Loriyan Tangai image inscription : Sa 3 100 10 4 4 Prophavadasa di 20 4 3, "anno 318, on the 27. day of Proshthapada."
11. Hashtnagar image insoription : Ban 3 100 20 20 20 20 4 Prothavadasa masasa divasa rhmi panchami 41, "anno 384, on the fifth, 5., day of Proshthapada."
12. Skarah Dhöri image insoription : vasha ekupachadufatimae Ashadasa masasa di 10, "in the three-hundred-and-ninety-ninth year, on the 10. day of the month Ashadha."
Then follow the records of the Kanishka group:
18. Sue Vihar'inscription : Maharajasya rajatirajasya devaputrasya Kamishkasya savat. fare ekadasa 10 1 Daïrikasya masasya divase athaviso di 20 4 4, "in the eleventh, 11., year of the Maharaja, the Rajatiraja, the Dēva putra Kanishka, on the twenty-eighth day, d. 28., of the month Daisika."
14. Zoda inscription : Sarh 10 1 Ashadasa masasa di 20 Utaraphaguna (?), "anno 11, on the 20. day of the month Ashādha, in Uttaraphölguni."
16. Brass box lid Insoription : (JRAS., XX, Pl. 1-3): Banh 10 44 .. . . sastehi 10, "anno 18, after 10 days . . . ." The remainder of this inscription has not been made out. The last word before the date is perhaps Kanishka.
18. MAnikiAla insoription : Bari 10 4 4 etra purvae maharajasa Kaneshkasa Kartiyasa masa divase 20," anno 18, on the 20. day of the month Karttika, at the said date, (during the reign of the Maharaja Kanishka." I think this is the correct translation, though I admit that the order of words is irregular. That is however also the case in the Zeda inscription, where we find muradasa marjhakasa Kanishkasa not only after ite chhupams, but even after the words khade kue. Besides I do not think that the construction of Kaneshkasa with Gushanava lasa shvardhaka is free from objection. In Sanskrit it would hardly be possible to form such a gompound dpēkahatve, because it is not at all gamaka.
17. Hidda insoription : Sambattarde athavitatihiti) 20 44 mase Apelae sasthehi dafali 10, "in the twenty-enghth, 28., year, in the month Apelaios, when ten, 10, (day) had Passed."
18, Shakardarra inscription : Sath 20 20 Prothavadana masasa divase vitami di 20, "anno 40, on the twentieth day, d. 20, of the month Proshthapada."
10. In insoription : maharajasa rajatirajasa depaputrasa kajsarasa Vajhashkaputrasa Kanishkasa sambatiaras okachaparitai sath 20 20 1 Jefhasa masasa di 20 4 1, "in the forty-first yoor, anno 41, (during the reign of the Maharaja Rajatiraja Dövaputra, the Kaisar, the son of Vajboshka, Kanishkn, on the 25. day of the month Jysishtha."
* Soe Thoma, Jo. 2. Asiat, Soc., 1916, pp. 91 ..