No. 4.7
(V. 39) While (i) water oozing (P) from the dam, (ii) saline soil, (iii) (situation) at the boundary of two kingdoms, (iv) elevation (kūrma) in the middle (of the tank) bed, (v) scanty supply of water and extensive stretoh of land to be irrigated), (vi) and scanty ground and excess of water : (these are the six faults in this connection).
(V.40) Devoid of faults and adorned with a multitude of good qualities, renowned in the world by the name Anantaraja, this endless ocean, of which the water' is sweet, was founded by king Bhaskara.
(V. 41) (There were) one thousand labourers (working) at the tank and dam every day, and a hundred carts (were employed) for the masonry work of the sluice and wall (bhramdbhitti).
(V. 42) And this most excellent tank was completed in two years. There is, to be sure, no limit at all to the expenditure of money and grain in this connection).
(V. 43) The measurements in terms of rēkha-dandags of the height, the width, and the length of the dam together with the portion of) the bill included in the) dam, are here given :
(V. 44) The dam, having eddying waterdaugs (i.e. sluices)' (and) protected by Vighnesa, (Gapa-pati), Isvara) (Siva), Vishọa, Bhairava, and the great Durgā, is one which has the enormous length of five thousand rekha-dandas, height of seven and its width eight. And the land (is) excellent and yields plentiful crops in all seasons and oontains groves.
(V. 45) This land was liberally given for the gratification of gods and Brāhmaṇas. Through the merit of this gift of land the tank was made to be an ornament (of tanks).
(V. 46) Just as the dam of a reservoir should not be injured, so likewise the dharma-dam of the ocenn of kings. Therefore I, Bhaskara, repeatedly request the kings on earth to protect my charity. (L. 99 f.) These are the ancient Slokas of entreaty:
[Then follow three of the customary verses.] . (V.50) The Officer-in-charge (adhikarin) of this tank is the clever son of the minister called Kumāragiri-natha, Dévarraja by name.
(V. 51) Having obtained from king Raghu gold by the crore, Kautsa gave it as) dakshind to his preceptor, Varatantu, who had bestowed on him the fourteen branches of knowledge. By a descendant of him (scil. Kantea) the illustrious Lingaya-Machanaryya,7 of Nandapura, best of Brāhmapas and a follower of the Rigveda, the anspicious edict was composed.
(V. 52) (One) khart (of land) producing paddy and (one) khari of black-soil land, - (these) were out of regard given to him by Bhāskara, preceded by a libation (of water).
Perhaps w, in this case, the position of the tank might lead to unpleasant consequences during a confict between the neighbouring kingdoms.
The bed ought to form a complete valley. "A standard of linear measurement rougbly equal to 10 yard. Bee p. 99. . For bhrama-jala-gati see note 8 on p. 108.
. The pronoun tod in tad-vistara cannot be taken to refer to the noun immediately preceding, but must refer to the site of which the dimensions are being given. See 1. 88 of the text.
• The sense is that the poet belonged to the Kautes gotra. There is, however, a confusion in the mind of the post between Kantes the patriarch, and Kautsa the papil of Varntantu alluded to in the Raghuramba, Canto os vr. 14.
TJA. Michana, son of Lingwa.