gloss on the Sribhashya to Vedänta-Dēbika. Vēdācharya Bhatta was the author of the Ashtaksharadipika, Rahasyatraya and Tapidvayam. Vedächärya's son was Srirangaraja Bhattar.1
The Periya Tiru-mudiy-adaiou designs the followin, pedigree to the first great Parisara Bhattar :-his son was Uddanda Bhatar; his son Parafara Bhattar ; his son Sriranganātba Bhattar; his son Bhatta Paräsara; his son Sriranga Bhattar; his son Sudarśana Bhattar; his son Srirangarāja Bhattar; his son Sidha Bhattar; his son Tiruvēnkata Bhattar.
The grant was made on a Thursday, corresponding to the fifth tithi of the bright fortnight of the month of Chaitra, in the Saka year 1280, computed by the moon (1), the eyes (2), the nagas (8), and nabhah (0).
Verses 28 to 33 describe thu town of Srirangam, which is situated in the island formed by the two branches, the Kavori and the Kollidam, of the river Kävēri. The image of the god Ranganatha which is set up in the temple situated in this town is believed to have been ori. ginally worshipped by Brahma and afterwards presented to the ancestors of Ikshvaku and worshipped by his descendants. On the day of the coronation of the lord Sri Ramachandra be made a present of the image of his family god Ranganatha to his faithfal ally and dependant, Vibhisbann, the brother of Rāvana. While taking this valuable gift, Vibhishapa inadvertently placed it on the ground in the island of Srirangam, where it stuck fast and could not be removed. It is over this image that the extensive temple of Srirangam is believed to have been built, and the composer of the fagana alludes in our doonment to this faith regarding the advent of Ranganatha to Srirangam.
"Papishtha-Kshatrabandhus cha," one of the texts quoted in verse 43, occurs in the 17th chapter of the Vishnudharma. Kshatrabandhu was a very wicked king and had committed several sids; but just before his death he unwittingly uttered the three syllabled name, Govinda, of Vishnu, which virtuous act saved him from eternal perdition. In his Tirumalai the Vaishnava saint Tondaradippodiy-alvår also makes a reference to the story of Kshatra bandhu.
The following are the names of places, etc., that are mentioned in the inscription under discussion :- Himachala, Bhärata-Varsha, the Maharashtra, Kalinga, Pandya, Kanyakubja and Telinga countries: Maño bikonda; Āndhra-desa ; the Pånāra, Kona, Kuravata and Ch(or Bengara provinces; the river Godávart; Korakonda; Koţi; Tädipaka; the river Kävērt; Sriranga-pari; Kottāllaparra in the Pånāra country ; Déva; Villiru ; Nangipūpļi; Penangonda ; Charaku vitaka; Tämaravāțaka; Monambarra; Pendlikintaru-cheruvu; Groppungáli and
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सनाथगु बन्दे मालायतनं सदा । रखनाचार्यतनयं श्रीमापराशरम् । सनम वरनाथस्य सर्वविद्यानिधि भी ।
In all probability the Bhatta Parabara of our document was identical with the Bhatta Paräsara, the son of Srirangapitha Bhatta and the grandson of Vadacharya Bhatta; he is also called, in the extract given in footnote 4, the seventh from Kiranātha, that is, Kurattalván.
Moytta pal-vinaiyul-miy mirefutt-udaiya päral Kattirabandum-anrā parangadi kanda konda ("Has not Kattirabanda too attained the highest existence, being relieved from the powerful sins that were clustering thickly round him, by the three lettered Dame P"), Tirumalas, verso 4.