(Verse 3) dlay he who is worshipped by Fortune's lord (Vishnu) and Väņi's lord Brahman), who is the male actor in the play of that cunning dancing-girl the Primal Matter, the sole seat of lordship, fortune, and power adored by the three worlds that naturally arise by his will, to whom the Vedas are known, who is able to milk a crowd of celestial kine of good works, he whose diadem is the crescent moon, ever produce for this universo a growth of perfect happiness!
(Verse 4) The Beloved of Fortune (Vishạn), worshipped by all, appeared like a lotuspool, being a place for the play of the carp which are the lovely eyes of Lady Fortune, having abaudant water suggested by the (blue) colour of his hody, displaying a mast of filaments consisting of the rays from the Kaustubha (jewol), charming with the blue lotuses of his eyes and the golden lotus fronu his belly.
(Verse 5) There arose the great, supreme, pure Lotns-throned (Brahman), Sarasvati's lover, the Virāt who is the great author of the Vodas, engrossed in the creation of the series of the trinity Bhūr-Bhuvas-Sver, whose lotus-feet are worshipped by the entire world, the seat of tho blessed event of whose birth was the golden lotus from the navel of Kamala's Da liag [Vishnu).
(Verse 6) To this Self-born Being of the Lotus was born a son, Svayambhuva Manu ; his son was king Priyavrata ; as his sons arose the monarchs Agnidhra and others. To these latter Priyavrata, darling of the earth, noblest in the exalted knightly races, apportioned the seven continents.
(Vorse 7) Jambüdvipa, remarkable as having the Salt Ocean surrounding it, was the scene of the display of Agnidhra's empire. The spacious Pinksha, encircled by the Ocean of) Sugarcano, was protected by Modhatithi perfect of excellence. Silmall, which appears to the sight with the Ocean of Brandy surrounding it, was taken over by king Vapushmat of fiory prowess.
(Verse 8) Jyotishmanta approprinted Kusadvipa, which is always encircled by the famous Ocean of Butter. Similarly Kmafcha, which in turn the (Ocean of) Whoy encompasses, king Dyutimat, renowned in the circle of kings, appropriated. Of the Saka continent, surrounded by a border (consisting of the Ocean of Milk, the king was named Havyana, vigorous in splendour
(Vers. 9) Savna, whose form was beloved of the goddesses of the fortunes of his prostante fous, full-moon from the ocean of Manu's race, sinless, vigorous, possos3ed the land oi Pushkara, which is encircled by the Ocean of) Sweet Water.
(Verse 10) After Agnidlern and the other sons of Priyavrata the lord of all the continents by the gift of their fathor ruled the seven continents encircled by the seven oceans, displaying a Bupreme puissant splendour like that of the rayy of the Lord of the Seven Steeds (the Sun.gudl, subsequently the noble sons of the world-renowned Agnidhra, king Nabhi and others, ruled the earth. .
(Verse 11) The realm of Nabhi (lay) to the south of the Himalaya mountains ; south of Homakūta, lord of mountains, appears the Kimparusha-varsha. In due order, the Harivarsba lies to the south of the Nishadha mountains; the Tlavrita (region), having Möru og its centre, displays itself, enclosing the bright Jambu river's wandering course.
(Verse 12) The delightful (region of) Hiranmant, exceedingly charming with Lokāloka. displays itself in splendour on all sides, on the south whereof appears a mass of mouutains (consisting of) the peaks of the Nila and Svēta hills. On the east of the voldon king of mountains [Mēru) is Uttarakuru, most exalted region of earth; and thero appear in bounty Pályavanta, having the grace of Fortune, and Bhadraśva-varsla.
Or "known through the Vedas."
See Fäņini II, ii. 37.