No. 1.]
118 पाटि संधुकु लिंगंदिव(ब्ब) । वाय119 व्यानकु अलुवलपाटि जनकव120 रं संधुकु जंगमुकुंट 121 सीम । दूरि वुत्तरानकु सीम 122 पंगुलरि संधुकु तेजगुंडु । 123 ऊरि ईशान्यानकु सीम पं124 गुलरि कुप्पेराविपाटि सं125 धुकुनु निलुवुशायि ।
Fifth Plate. 126 [६]तव[] सीमानि[य]प्रकार [*] 127ए कैव भगिनी लोके सर्वेषामेव भूभुजां [] 128 न भोज्या न करग्राधा विप्रदत्ता वसुंध129 रा [३८] 'खदत्ताहिगुणं पुण्यं परदत्तानुपा130 लनं । परदत्तापहारेण खदत्तं निष्फलं. 131 भवेत् ॥[३८] स्वदत्ता परदत्ता वा यो हरत व. 132 संधरा । षष्ठिवर्षसहस्राणि विष्ठायां ज[1]133 यते क्रिमिः । ४०*] 'गामकां रविकामकां [भू]134 मेरप्यकमंगुलं । हरे' नरकमानोति या135 वदाभूतसतवं [४१*] प्रत्यर्थिधरणीपालका136 लोरगगरुत्मतः । देवरायमहीश137 स्य शासनं धर्मशासनं ।। ४२*] मंगळमहाथी [1] 138 श्रीविरूपाक्ष.
FREE TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) May the illustrious primeval Boar, being carried upwards by whom (being married by whom) the earth became pregnant with gems, be auspicious to you.
(V.2.) May the elephant (Gapess), whose trank is always moist with the lowings from his temples, having worshipped whom Siva and others obtain the fruition desired (by them), bring you happiness.
I The anuarāra of सं° is written at the beginning of 1. 125. Metre: Anushţubh.
Read °हिरावं. • The anurvāra of °लं stands at the beginning of line 131. . Read fe
• Read afa:. 1 Read रन.
Read °सं. These are pans on the words dana and karas. Nityadanardrakarat means also one whose hand is wet with constantly making gifts.'-B. and V.