the Eastern Ganga copper-plate grants are dated, the date of the Siddhāntam plates would be twelve years later than the Chicacole plates of the same king.
The writer or composer of the grant was Madanankura-Pallava, son of Matrichandra of the Apürvanața family, living in Erandapali. He may possibly have been a brother of Pallavachandra of the same family who wrote the Chicacole plates. The purðhita Chbarampanandisarman, who communicated the order of the king, perhaps corresponds to the ājñapti of other grants.
With respect to the localities mentioned in the plates, it is to be remarked that the village Siddhārtthaka, like Tămaragheru (or Tamaracherava) of the other Gänga plates, is mentioned as being situated in the district of Varāhavartani. Dr. Sten Konow in his paper on the Madras Museum Plates of Vajrahasta III. says that Tāmaracheruva and its hamlet Vataka "should be looked for in the neighbourhood of Chicacole."l In that case, the village Siddhartthaka, which is referred to also in the Achyutapuram plates of Indravarman, may be identified with Siddhāntam near Chicacole, where the plates were discovered. The district Varahavartani is probably the region between the Vamsadhara and Nagāvaļi.
The word adhikrita applied to the writer and the akhaśālin would point to the fact that there were special officials entrusted with the work of drawing up these documents and engraving them.-The parenthetical clause grishm-odakam, etc., in 1. 12, is interesting as indicating how much the farmers depended upon irrigation works. The plot of land which is the subject of the grant is stated to have included a water-course and a house-site.
First Plate. 1 ओं' स्वस्ति [*] सकलवसुमतीतलतिलकायमान म णीयाहिजयव2 तकलिङ्गनगरवासकामहेन्द्राचा'लामलशिखरप्रतिष्ठितस्य चराच3 रगुरो[:*] सकलभुवननिर्माणैकसूत्रधारस्य भगवतो 'गोकर्णस्वामिन4 चरणकमलयुगलप्रणामाद्विगलितकलिकलको गालामलकुल5 तिलको निज[नि]
स्त्रिधारीपार्जितसकलकलिङ्गाधिराज्य[:*] प्रविततचतु6 रुदधितरङ्गमालामखलावनितलामलयशा(:) अनेकाहवसको [भ]ज7 नितजयशब्द[:*]] प्रतापावनतसमस्तसामन्तचक्रचूडामणिप्रभामज
Second Plate; First Side. 8 रीपुञ्जरञ्जितचरणरममाहेश्वरी मातापिटपादानुध्यातो नयविनयदय[T]9 दानदाक्षिण्यशौर्योदार्यसत्यत्यागादिगुणसम्पदामाधार: "श्रीगुणार्णवनु.
1 Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, p. 95.
? Ep. Ind., Vol. III, p. 128, 1. 8 of the text. .See also Mr.G.V. Ramamurti's paper on the Nadagam Plates of Vajrahanta (Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 1831.). which contains valuable information on the localities mentioned in the grants of the Changa kings of Kalinga.
From the original plates and a set of ink impressions supplied by Mr. H. Krishna Sastri.
Expressed by a symbol in the original. • In his article on the Chicncole plates (above, Vol. III, p. 1301.) Prof. Hultanch insurta unnecessarily ila sblative case-ending -āt after tilakāyamāna. . Read °चमा.
• Read गोकर्षखामिन• Read "निखिंच.
10 Read श्रब्द:.
u Read गुलाबसू.