No. 10.]
E.-Bottom section; south face. 1 Nirkinra tan-paņai tol 2 run-Tabjaiettisam-pā. 3 di vigrār [!*) virkina virarga4 !=irgiprav=i-(ppiņa)-kku5 pr=nkan-[NO]rknora-y[a*]. 6 pai. . . .. . [ma]. 7-8 damaged.
TRANSLATION. They remain singing the state of Tajai appearing in the midst of fields ever filled with water. Heroes shining (with their weapons) move over the hillocks of corpses , . . huge elephants . . . . . . .
F.-Same section; north face.
TEXT. 1 Pal-konda sevvay 2 vilaiya-moli=pparu3 vatta muggam [19] vol-ko4 nda . . . . . 5 . . . . . kkalav=anji-ma
. TRANSLATION. Who grasped the (weapon called) vēl even at (such young) age when unripes words emanated from his beautiful mouth not (completely free from) milk . . . . . . . .
G.-Same section; west face.
TEXT. 1 Mara=ppadai-Minavan va. 2 ll-aran Pallavan-se3 naikk-anru purappada-mā. 4 fu poru-kalirru . . . . 5-8 damaged.
TRANSLATION. On that day when the strong forces of the Pāņdya (minavan), who was powerful of his arms, started to fight against the army of the Pallava, (he) with warlike elephants , . . .
H.-Same section ; east face. 1 En-kaiy-alavirre2 ypāņav-igal-vikku. 3 m-angai-chcheruvöl m4 ávalla . 5-7 damaged.7
The letter may be restored here.
. Metro: Kattalaikalittoral. # Vil means to shine. I am not quite sure of the meaning intended as the passage is mutilated. + Metre: Kattalaikalitturai.
. Visaiyamoli in equivalent to kudalai or malalai. • Metre : Kattalaikalitturai.
1 Metre : Vabi.