to the Brāhmaṇa Singarārya, who was his guru. The record gives the following pedigree for Mailāra :
Mummadi md. Mammāmba.
Panta-Mailāra. Panta-Mailāra bore the birudas Dharanivaraha, Chauhattamalla and Ghantānāda. The date of the inscription is Saka 1350 (expressed by vyāma, bāna, anala and sasi) which corresponded to the cyclic year Kilaka, Monday, the first (Pratipad)-tithi of the bright fortnight in the month of Ashadha. It is mentioned that the father and grandfather of the donee were respectively named Tātāchārya and Venkatāchārya ; that the member of the family, Singarārya, belonged to the Sathamarshaņa götral and that his fakha was Yajus. The village of Takkolla pādu was situated in the Addanki-sima in Kamma-vishaya. Regarding the date of the document Mr. L. D. Swamikkannu Pillai writes :-"$. 1350, Kilaka, Monday, Sukla 1 in Ashādha=Monday, 14th June, A.D. 1428. The tithi ended at 12) ghatikas after mean sunrise.'
The present record is the second copper-plate grant of the chief Paņţa-Mailāra, so far discovered. The first was published by Messrs. Butterworth and Vēnugopāla Chetty in their collection of the inscriptions in the Nellore district. This document is exactly similar to the other as far as verse 18; the rest is necessarily different. The Panta-kula to which Mailāra
1 The following is an extract from a work on the Srivaishnava hierarchy, called the Periya Tirumudiyadaios regarding an Addanki Singaracharya :"Bect, Vadama ; family, softai; Šathamarshana-götra; Yajus-sakha ;
Śrīnivāsācharya Ettür singarācharya (contemporary and disciple of Maņavāļa-māmunigal).
Ettūr Venkatācharya.
Addauki śingarācbärya." The genealogy of the Tätächärya family, as gathered from the Prapannāmpitam, is given below for the benefit of the students of the history of Srivaishnava :
Ettür Narasimhacharya, (Singaracharya).
Tātacharya. Árifailspārņa.
Srinivasa. Tātādēsika.
Paficha-mata-bhasjanam Tātācharya. Lakshmikumara Tatacharya alias Koti-kanyaka-danam Tấtacharys (contemporary of Venkata patidēvaräys 1.).
Copper-plate No. 18, Chejerla grant of Devaraya II., S. 1851, Vol. I, pp. 149-164; written in the Nandinågari characters.