No. 38.]
Srirangarāya bears the birudas, Hosabirudaraganda, Rāyarāhuttaminda, Biruda manyaraganda, Gandaraguli, Lord of Aravitipura, Mandalikadharanivarāha, Bhashegeta ppuvarāyaraganda, and he who put to shame Avahaļurāya. He boasts of being praised by the kings of the Kamboja, Bhoja, Kālinga, and Karabața countries.
The vijfapti of the grant, Sevvappa Nayaka, is, as we have already said, the first king of the Nāyaka dynasty of Tanjore. Mr. Kuppusvāmi Sastri has shown in his excellent little book on the history of the Nāyakas of Tanjore that Sevvappa was the husband of the sister of the queen of Achyutadevarāya of the Tuluva dynasty of Vijayanagara, and that the latter granted the Tanjore country as stridhana to bis sister-in-law. The names of the parents of Sevvappa Nāyaka are Timma Nayaka and Vayyamāmba. A stone inscription of this king, found in the moeque called the Samsarappalli in Tanjore, is dated in S. 1471, and records that a piece of land was granted by the king for the maintenance of fakirs. Apother, dated 1494, is found in the Arunachalosvara temple at Tiruvannāmalai. It states that two brothers, Sivanesan and Lokanāthan, built the gõpura of that temple in the reign of Sevvappa Nayaka. The big tank in the same temple and another ontside the Tanjore fort, which feeds the Sivaganga tank inside it and which bears the name Sevvappanāri, were dug by Seyvappa Nayaka.
Sevvappa's son Achyutappa was made yurarāja some time before the death of his father and most probably also before S. 1499.7 An inscription of this prince found in the Brihadisvara temple at Tanjore and dated s. 1499 records certain grants made to the local artisans. His prime minister was the famous Govinda Dikshita, a very learned Kannada Brāhman. Achyutappa was a patron of learning. He granted agraharas to many learned Brāhmans. He was also a pious and charitable king. To the god Ranganātha of Srirangam he, on more occasions than one, presented valuable jewelled ornaments. In his reign the anicut across the Kāvēri was repaired, 10 and flights of steps at various places along its course were put up, as for example, at Māyavaram, Kumbakonam, Tiruvidaimarudor, etc.11 The king ordered the repairs to the temples at Chidambaram, Tirupati, Kālahasti, eto., to be effected. At the instance of his minister, Govinda Dikshita, the Tiruvaiyarru Puranam was translated from
TA Short History of the Nayakas of Tanjore, p. 3. Much of what follows about the history of the first two Näyskas of Tanjore has been borrowed from this book.
? Vijayavilasa, Telugu work, it is stated, makes this assertion. This was composed by Chimakur Venkatarajakavi. [The latter part of the statement is not found in the work quoted.-H.K, S.]
पासीदशेषाहितभूमिपाल शासी शनासीरसम्प्रभावः ।
faaraita 0416197 waf fw79449; # Rukmini-parinaya, III, 84.
See p. 4 of A Short History of the Nayakas of Tanjore for a transcript of this inscription.
Loc. cit.
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चमक्रयोरहि शिरो विलोकितं महापथी माधबधसीरिव । Sahityaratnākara, No. 10291, Palace Library, Tanjore, 111, 3.
युवानमेनं युवराजतापदं नयनयं नन्दनमात्मसंनिभम् ।
fakatafuargareta fatet : u Ilid., III, 14. 8 A Short History, p. 5. • ससूती वसुधासुधाकरोऽसी सह गोविन्द मखीन्दुना सभायाम । F EU
sanit 10 JUTATUTIbid., X, 1. 10 waffe alía 2
Yanga: F ataaaaegu saga: 1 at #4 auhi wrait fanuzfazt 34 frTunahan't H AFI ETC aut a stafayfaf featuhfa ufuata I a 49 From an inscription er graved on the Pusinya: wandapa, Tiruvaiyara
॥ मायरमध्यार्जुनकुम्भ घोणा श्रीदक्षिणावर्तमुख स्थलेषु।। E en van metalne stani Rukwini.parinaga, T. 44.