No. 35.]
rest of the Six Works and master of the Vedas and their ancillary sciences, the village of Madadajhūru in the three-hundred of Karaţikallu situate within the two-thousand of Edadore, in fief, with grain and gold and ädeya thereof, with treasure and trouvaille, not to be pointed at with the finger (of hypothecation) by royal officers, with its tolle, with exemption from all taxes and conflicting claims, to be respected by all.
(Line 71) And its confines are : on the east, the village of Jalihādu; on the south, the village of Uņahalli; on the west, the village of Vavvulikhēta ; on the north, the village of Govanti. Lying between these four villages, possessing its own boundaries as previously known to the public, clearly defined in respect of its four confines, it shall be protected by Us and by future sovereigns, whether of Our race or others.
(Line 74) And so it has been said by the Lord Vyāsa, the compiler of the Vēdas : "Sagars and many other kings have made grants of land; whosoever at any time has the soil has at the same time the fruit thereof." The same likewise says regarding the guilt of removal thereof: “He who should take away land, whether granted by himself or by others, is born as a worm in dung for sixty thousand years. They who lay hands upon Brāhmanic fiefs are born ss black snakes lying in withered trunks amid the waterless wildernesses of the Vindhya. He who takes away a single gold piece, a single cow, or a single finger's length of soil, goes to hell until the cosmic dissolution. An unjust seizure of land, or an unjust causing of land to be seized, burns the family of the seizer and his instigator unto the seventh (generation)." Likewise Rāmabhadra has said: “This general principle (literally, dyke) of law for kings must be maintained by you, in every age; again and again Rāmabhadra makes this entreaty to all these future monarchs : I clasp my hands on my bead in reverence to those coming sovereigns on the earth, whether born of my own line or of the line of other kings, who with souls free from sin shali preserve this my law in its entirety."
(Line 82) The grant of the fortunate Emperor and crest-jewel of monarchs, the fortunate king Jayasimha, Written by Māipayya, a scribe attached to the fortunnte Prolárya, Curator of Edicts and High August General of the Forces. Prosperity! Great fortune !
THE MALAVA YEAR 461. BY MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA PANDIT HARAPRASAD SHASTRI, M.A., C.L.E., CALCUTTA. This inscription was discovered by Mr. Jaya-Sankara, pleader at Mandagðr in the Gwalior State. Mandasor, as is well known, is the site of the ancient city of Darapura. The stone. slab bearing the record was tarned up by the plongh in a small hamlet close to Mandasör, on the banks of the river Siwana. It was removed by its discoverer Mr. Jaya-Sankara to his own residence in Mandasör, but subsequently, the Subba or Governor of Mandagor, suspecting that the inscription contained some information about hidden treasure; had it removed to his own residence. There I found it in October 1912. The Governor very kindly allowed me to examine the slab and to remove it to Mr. Jaya-Sankara's house where I was staying. At that time I read the whole of the inscription from the stone itself. Mr. Jayn-Sankara had given me an impression of it, but as it was not very clear, I requested Sir John Marshall, DirectorGencral of Archæology in India, to get some better estampages for me. At his request Mr. D. R. Bhandarkar, Saperintendect, Archeological Survey, Western Circle, sent two excellent inked impressions to me in April 1913, one of which is reproduced here.
* Shaf-karma compare Manu, i. 83.