[Vol. XI
worshipper of the lord of Sriparvata' (below, text 1. 1), i.e. of the Saiva temple at Srisailam in the Karpal district, and. Madhavavarman is said to have performed eleven horse-sacrifices (afvamedha, 1. 3) and thousands of others (1. 4). His son Vikramendra (I.) is styled 'an ornament of both families' (1. 4). The Chikkalla plates show that this statement alludes to a matrimonial alliance of the Vishnukundins with the Väkäta family, to which Vikramendra's mother must have belonged. Indravarman claims to have encountered in hundredthousands of battles numerous four-tasked (elephants)' (1. 5). As Chaturdanta,' four-tasked,' is an epithet of Airavata, the elephant of the east, Professor Kielhorn has suggested that this ourious boast may refer to victories gained in the eastern direction."
The date of the grant was the seventh (tithi) of the bright fortnight of Jyaishtha in the twenty-seventh year of Indravarman's reign (1. 15 f.).
First Plate; Second Side.
1 स्वस्ति पुरनिसमवासाकात् भगवच्छ्रीपर्वतखामिपादातुयात[:"] सकलमत्री
2 सामन्तमकुटमचिकिरणावलीढ चरणयुगो विख्यातयमाः श्रीमन्महाराज माधयवर्मा [] तो
3 विकृपाविदितोदितान्यतिलक सुनेकादशाश्वमेधापचतावचत
4 षक्रतुसहस्रय [1"]जिनः स्नानपुण्योदकपवित्रीकृतशिरसः सत्पुत्रो माढपिढपादामुध्यातोभयवंग्रामजालहार
Second Plate: First Side..
5 भूतः श्रीमान्वितमेन्द्राच्या' राणास्यापि चानक चातुर्हन्त समरमतसह सहविजयी प्रियस्तः चतुष-"
1 Above, Vol. IV, pp. 194 and 197.
1Above, Vol. IV, p. 195, note 2.
6 दधिनृपतिमकूटमचिमयूखविच्छुरितपादाम्बुरुहः परममाईवरः वीमानिन्द्रवर्षाच्या" राजा प९१ किराष्ट्रे पेरू
7 वाढकथामसमवेताम्कुटुम्बिनमात्रापयति [["] अस्त्रवेष पैदवाटकग्रामः खपुखा
10 Bead 10 Bead
From ink-impressions supplied by Rao Sahib Krishna Sastri.
• Bead 'बालकाद्
• Cancel the redundant समूहूत and read बचाव.
• Like क्रतुसह संयाजिन:, the epitheta preceding it ought to have been placed in the genitive case, thus तस्त्रीतित्रियी, तिलक स्यैकादशा"; and 'टकल्मषस्थ
1 Bond मातापितृपादानुध्यात उभय° and cancel the redundant चरमण.
• Rend 1 Read बी.
it. सूनुअतु
पुष्फलाभित्र प