No. 14. Text: Phyi-blon-bki-la-gtogs-pa
Translation: The minister of Chog-ro, wbo chog-ro
is under the command of the minister blon-btsan-bier-lba-gon
of Outer Affairs, bТsan-béer-lha
gon. NOTES: Chogoro is the well known name of a province.
The namo Tiran-kor is found in the following of Sir Aprel Stein relics : M Tngh, II, 0067, MI,xxvii, 19.The name 1 Ha-gon occurs in MI, xiv, 68 in the following connections: 'Onar-lha-gon and a Bas ........ lhagor.
No. 15. Text: ....... mchhims-tan-brtan
Translation: The perfect ........., uncle. bíer-stag
brTan-beer-stag-(teab). tsab(tsan?). NOTES: The name br Tan-bter has not yet been found in the Stein's relics.
a No. 16. Text: m Nan-pon(Kha-ba-soi-slog.
Translation: The lord of curses (magician) gi-bla-'abal)-blon
the superior of Kha-ba-soi-(slogP), Klu bzan.myes-rma.
minister Klu-bzan-myes-rma. NOTES: Pon, instead of dpon, master; several syllables between Khab and 'abal are indistinct. Kha-ba-so are mentioned as officials in the account of g Nya-khri-btran-po in the La-doaga-rgyal-rabi.
For the name Klu-bran see No. 17. A name similar to myes-rma is found in No. MI, xxiv, 0034 of Sir Aurel Stein's relics, in the name Lan-khrug.sme-rma. Let me add that several ancient names contain the syllable myes as well as oma as one of their parts in the Stein collection.
No. 17. Text: Kai-phr(i)n-blon- ....... n-ka- Translation :. The minister who announblon-stag-bier-(hab?)
ces the orders, ... ... minister Tag. (nyen).
bíer-(hab-nyenP). NOTE!: The name Tag-bkor is found in the following of the Stein documents : MI xxvii, 19; xxviii, 5; xxviii, 0088, 0041 , xlii, 2; xvi, 8.-In No. MI. xvi, 19, the name Tag-ber-lagu-kon is found.
No. 18. Text: Tsis-ba-chhen-po- ....... blon
Translation: The great accountanty stag
.......... minister sTag grigs. gzigs. NOTES : Tsis-ba, instead of ordinary rTris.pa. The name Tag-gsiga has not yet been found in the Stein relics.
No. le. Text : Phyi-blon ....... tap-kla-bzad. Translation: The minister of Outer Affairs
...... uncle Klu-baan, NOTES: The name Klu-bzan is found in the following of the Stein documenta: M. Tagh, IL, 0078; MI, xxvii, 19.
No. 20. Text: Zal-che-ba-chhen-po-zal
Translation: The great judge, the minister blon-rgyal .......
of judgment, rGyal ...... Noris : che-ba instead of ordinary chhe-pa. Unfortunately, the name of the minister has not been preserved in full; there are many names, beginning with rgyal, occurring in the Stein relics.
GENERAL NOTR: Let me add that in the ancient documents of Sir Aurel Stein's collection, we generally find only the perponal names of the ancient mipisters, preceded by their titles. It is only in rhrer cases that we and the personal names and clan-names coin bined. My explanation of this fact would be that in all those cases, where the personal name alone is given, we may be sure that the document deals with the famous minister, whose personal name and clan-name are both found on the Mu-tsung monument. But there were certain officials, whose personal names were in agreement with those of one or other of the famous ministers, but whose clan-Dame differed from theirs. It is only in such case, as I believe, that the documents of the Stein collection give both names, 80 as, pot to leave any doubt with regard to the identity of the person in question.
In conclusion let me my that up to this I have examined more than six hundred of Sir Aarel Stein's relics..