The 26th year of Knlottunga-Chola III began between the 6th and 8th July A.D. 1203, and in that 26th year this date corresponds to Monday, February 9th A.D. 1204. At sunrise on that day, which was the 17th day of Kumbha, the 7th tithi of the first fortnight was current, and the moon was then in Krittika.
233.- In the Umāmahēśvara temple at Könērirājapuram. 1 Svast[i] śr[i]ḥ-Tr[i]bhuvanachchakravatt[i]ga! [Ma]durai[y]um [P]āndi[y]an
[mudi]-tta[laiyan-go]pd-aru![i]. 2 na śri-Kulottunga-Soladēvarku y[á]odu padin-ārāvada Miņa-nā[yar]ru apara
pa[kashat]tu pra[ta]maiyum Budan3 kilamaiyum perra Atta[t"]tu nāļ.
"In the sixteenth year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulottunga-Chöļadēva who was pleased to take Madurai (Madura) and the crowned head of the Pandya,-on the day of Hasta which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the first tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mina."
This dato regularly corresponds to Wednesday, March 9th A.D. 1194, which was the 15th of Mina and was in the sixteenth year of Knlottunga-Chola III. At mean sunrise on that day the 1st tithi of the second fortnight was current, and the moon was in the nakshatra Hasta.
234.-In the Unnatapuriśvara temple at Melaţūr. 1 [62] Tiribuva[na]chchakkara[va]rttiga! [iri)-Kulottunga-Soladěva[r*]kku yāṇdu
[3]vadu Ishaba-näyarra (padrva-pashshattu3 t[i]*[i]t[iy jaiyum Budap-k[ila]m
Caiyum perra Pu]parpūša[ttu) n[al].
"In the [3]rd year of the reign of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulõttunga-Chõladēva,-on the day of Punarvasu which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the third tithi of the first fortaight of the month of Rishabha."
Since this date is so worded as to afford no clue as to which of the three known Kulottungas' reign it belongs, I have tested it for each of those sovereigns; with an unsatisfactory result in the end.
In the third year of the reign of Kulottunga-Chola I the 3rd sukla tithi of Vaisakha in the solar month Vpishabha was current at mean sunrise on Taesday, April 24th, A.D. 1072, and also at mean sunrise on Sunday, May 12th, A.D. 1073; either of which days, according to our present knowledge as to the date of that king's accession, might have fallen in his third year. In the first case the nakshatra current at mean sunrise was either Mrigasiras or Ardrá accord. ing to the authority used, and in the second case was Ardra by all systems.
For the reign of Kulottunga II we also have the choice of two years; and the day mentioned in the record, so far as the tithi is a guide, may have been Friday, May 17th, A.D. 1135 when the nakshatra was Ardra by the equal-space system for 7h. lm. after mean sunrise, but Punarvasu by Garga and the Brahma-siddhanta; or it may have been Wednesday, May 6th A.D. 1136, when the corresponding nakshatra was similar to that in the last case, Årdrá lasting by the equal-space system for 7h. 36m. after mean sunrise.
This latter date, therefore, would exactly tally with the given details if we could assume that the patichangas of that day were calculated, in the matter of the nakshatra, either by the
No. 662 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909. * No. 30 of the Matras Epigraphical collection for 1910. . Read -pakahattu.