No. 20.)
bhabba); or is resolved into iy as in padiyaisain from Skt. pratyamsa; but it remains when combined with r as in paryata (1. 3 A), see rale 6, and also note on asamśrana (p. 218).
Rule 6.-Conjunct r as the second member of an initial consonant is dropped ; thus padiya msam=paliya msain (by rule 1)=Skt. pratyamsa, where the disappearing r has vere. bralised the following t (11. 2, 3 C) and sava=srāva (1. 3 A), except in bhradaba (1, 2) where it has persisted perhaps in consonance with the old Persian bhratar, "brother". In a medial aksbara r is retained, whether as the first member as in sarva and paryata (1. 3 A) and sarcina (1. 3 B); or as the second member, as in agra (II. 2, 3 C) and purigraha (1.4), and see Role 2.
The changes in the consonants then, it will be seen, are not random (if one may use the word) as so often seems to happen in Prakrit, bat follow a consistent plan, so that, if any word be re-adjusted according to these rules, it appears at once as actual Sanskrit or but one step removed therefrom.
In considering the inflectional forms, it will be convenient to cite the words as they wonld appear in their more correct Prākṣit form when re-adjusted according to the foregoing rules, that is, to cite them from the reading in italics (p. 210 f.).
The Prākrit of this inscription has more affinities with Ardha-Māgadhithan with Saurasēni, if we compare the grammatical terminations that occur with those given by Pischel. The dative singular ends in dē, both for the masculine as in bhāgāë (1.2), and for the feminine as in püyāë (11. 2, 3 C) and dachchhinda (1. 3 A); and these are Ardha-Māgadhi forms. The locativo singular ends apparently in mhi for the masculine and neuter, if we read mri=mhi in Kharatamhi and viharamhi (1.1); and it is only in Ardha-Magadhi (as I understand) that the locative sing. ends in msi, from which easily comes the form mhi, that is found in Pali but not in any other Präksit, I believe. The genitive plural ends in ana, as in sambhattikina (1.2), avashattrikana (1. 3 C), etc.; and this termination is found in Ardha-Māgadhi as well as other dialects, but not apparently in Saurasoni.
There are other peculiarities which mark this Prakrit. The nomin. singular masculine of nouns ending in a appears as a and not o, as putra, katālayik. (1. 1), bhāga (1. 3 O) and parigraha (1.4); except in the poetical quotation in l. 3 A, B, where the o form appears in yo and aindajo. The neuter nomin, ends in an as in padiyamsan (11. 2, 3 C) and vihāram (1.4) both which words appear to be considered neuter instead of masculine ; but focha (1.2), which should be peuter, does not support this rule and suggests that the nomin. also er.ded in a : and the accus. ends in a, as in sarira (1.1). The genitive masculine has its ordinary ending sa as in Arțamisiyasa (1. 1), but when used honorifically has its full form sy, as in Marēganya (11. 1, 2), Hovēshkasya (1.2) and Mit yagasya (1. 3 C). From other noun-bases may be noticed the genitive bhagavata Šakyamunė (1.1), which=Skt. bhagaratah Sakyamunēh without the visarga which disappears in Prakrit; and & form ra of the genitive singular of noun-basen ending in ā, that is, Skt. ri, as in mātā-pitara (1. 2), which is discussed in the Notes (p. 215). Among pronouns we find ēsha used as a neuter nomio. (1.4); and from idam, not only the instrumental singular imenat (11. 1, 2), but also probably a new base iya. Among the very few verbs that occur may be noticed bhūyā the apocopated form of Skt. bhūyat (1.2).
The inscription records that in the year 51 and in Huvishka's reign, Kamagulya (or perhaps Kamakulya, by rule 1), son of Vagra Marēga (or perhaps Marēka, by rule 1), interred & relic of
Prakrit Grammar, $$ 363-76.
? I do not find muno mentioned as a genitive by Piachel; it is given in Dr. E. Muller's Pali Gronin mar, p. 70, citing Oldenberg, KZ. Ixv, 318.
Noticed in Pischel's Prakrit Grammar, $426. • This is found in other inscriptions. . See note on iya Khavadamri (p. 212). . Placbel's Prakrit Grammar, SS 469, 464.
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