(A.D. 1275-78 to 1290).
86.-In the Mantrapurisvara temple at Kovilür. 1 Svasti [śrīj? [ll"] Ko-Ch[cha]dapanmar=āņa Tiribu(va]nachchakkarava. 2 ttiga[ Su]n[dara)-Pandiyadēvarkku yandu 14 vada Sim 3 ha-näyarru pūrvva-paksbatta trit[ra]gaiyum Budap-kilamaiyum 4 perra Attattu nā).
"In the 14th year (of the reign) of king Jaţāvarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, Sundara-Pāņdyadēva, - on the day of Hasta, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the third tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Simha."
The date of this inscription is K.Y. 4391, Bhådrapada sudi 3 =Wednesday, the 9th August 1290 A.D. For, on that day the 3rd tithi of the first fortnight of Bhadrapada (Simha) ended about 46 ghatikās after mean sunrise at Lanka and the nakshatra Hasta began about 9 ghaţikās after mean sunrise.
87.-In the Nilakanthēsvara temple at Vedal.. 1 [Sva*]sti sri [ll] Konėrimõlkondan kor=Chadapanmar Tirabu vaṇachchakkaravattiga!
śri-Sundara-Pandiyadēvarku yanda padi{n-mu]právadiņ=edir mu(mu)privada Kaskadaga-nāyasru pūrvva-pakshattu saptam[iy]um Budan-kilamaiyum perra
Attattu näļ.
"In the third (year) opposite the thirteenth year of the reign) of Köņērimēlkondan king Jatavarman (alias) the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious SundaraPandyadēva, on the day of Hasta, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the seventh title of the first fortnight of the month of Karkataka."
[Professor Jacobi has not recorded the results of his calculation of this date.-Ed.]
88.-In the Sundararāja-Perumāļ temple at Pon-Amarāvati. 16 [Śri] Svatt[i](sti)
. . . . -Māra[ps][nma® ]r=āņa (apa) Ti[ri*]bavanachchakkaravatt[i]gall=emmaņdalamun=gond-araliya
Kulasega2 radēvarku pāņdu 18 vada Simba-nayasrı [pa]rvva-pakshattu pañchamiyum
Tinggal-kilamaiy[u]m perra Utt[i]rädattu näl.
"In the 18th year (of the reign) of king Māra[varman) alias the emperor of the three worlds, Kulasekharadēva, who was pleased to take every country,-on the day of Uttarashādha, which corresponded to a Monday and to the fifth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Simha."
The date of the inscription seems to correspond to Monday, the 6th August 1295 A.D., on which day the 5th tithi of the month of Simha (Bhadrapada) ended, about 52 ghatikas
1 No. 214 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1908. * The punctuation after the syllable friis indistinct. * Read tritiyas". * No. 69 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1908.
No, 21 of the same collection for 1909.
. Read Tingal