Genealogy from Ananta (Vishnu), through the Moon, to Gang@ya; from him to Kilahala, the founder of Koláhalapura in Gangavadi, and his son Viróchans; then, after 81 kings of Kolabalapura, Virasimha, who had five son3, Kamarnaya [I.], Dånarnava, Gunirnava [I.], Mârasimha, and Vajrahasta [I.]. (1.) Kamârnava (I.), after defeating Baladitya, took Kalinga (and reigned at Jant&vura 36 years); (2.) his younger brother Dånarnava (40 y.); (3.) his Bon Kamârnava II. (reigned at Nagara 50 y.); (4.) his son Ranarnava (5 ye.); (5.) his son Vajrahasta II. (15 ys.); (6.) his younger brother Kimârnava III. (19 ys.); (7.) his son Gunrnava (II.) (27 ys.); (8.) his son Jitánkuśa (15 ys.); (9.) his brother's son Kaligalankuga (12 ys.); (10.) his father's brother Gundama [I.] (7 ys.); (11.) his younger brother Kâmârnava IV. (25 ys.); (12.) his younger brother Vinayaditya (3 ys.); (13.) the son of Kamârnava IV., Vajrahasta IV. (35 ys.); (14.) his son Kåmárņava V. ( y.); (15.) his younger brother Gundama II. (3 y.); (16.) his brother, from a different mother, Madhu-Kámárnava VI. (19 y.); (17.) his son Vajrahasta [V.) (30 ys.); (18.) his son Rajaraja (8 ys.), married the Choda princess Rajasundari; (19.) his eldest son Anantavarman-Chôdaganga
361.-S. 1057.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII. p. 173. Vizagapatam (now Madras Muscum) plates of the Ganga Maharijadhiraja Anantavarman-Chodagangadêva, lord of Trikalingu, issued from Kalinganagara :
(L. 32).-gri-Sak-&vde(de)shu muni-sa(sa)ra-viyach-chham(cham)dra-ganitoshu Vrischika-måsê.
Genealogy as in No. 359.
362.-8. 1059.-Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 333. Govindpur inscription of the poet Gangadhara; mentions the Måna princes Varnamâna and Rudramâna of Magadha:
(L. 34).-Nand-endriy-Abhr-endu-samé Sak-avde(bdo) .. . Saka 1059.
The inscription treats of the Maga or Sakadvipiya Brahmans Damodara, his son Chakrapani, his sons Manõratha and Dasaratha, Manôratha's sons Gangadhara (who composed this inscription) and Mahidhara, and Dasaratha's sons Haribara and Purushottama.
363.- S. 1084.-Jour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. LXV. Part I. p. 242. Date of the coronation of the Ganga Kamârnava of Kalinga, the son and successor of Anantavarman-Chodaganga, as given in the Kêndupatná plates of Narasimbadêva II. of S. 1217 (ixelow, No. 367):
(V. 37).- Veda-rttu-vyma-chandra-pramita-Saka-sama-prâpta-kålê dinêsê Châpa-sthê nya-grah-anghê va(ba)lavati.
364.-9. 1107.- Zeitschr. D. Morg. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 43; Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 183, and Platos. Assam (now Bengal As. Soc.'s) plates of Vallabhadeva:
(L. 40).- Saka niga-nahô-rudrai, sankhyôtô ch=6ttarayalô | Bu(su khô subho kshanô råśau sa (sa stê.
In the lunar race, Bhaskara ; his son Râyâridêva-Trailokyasimha; his son UdayakarnaNihsan kasimha, married Ahiavadêvî; their son Vallabhadêya.
365.- $. 1141.- As. Res. Vol. IX. p. 403; Colebrooke's Misc. Essays, Vol. II. p. 242, and Plate. Tipura (Tipperah) plate of Harikaladeva Ranavankamalla ():
(L. 22).-Sakanpipatêr-atît& abdAḥ 1141 Ranavankamalla-srimat (?) Harikaladêvapadanan saptadaśa-samvatsar bhilikhyamânê yatr-înkên=&pi samvat 17 sûryya-gatya Phálguna-dind 26.6
According to No. 367, the son of Kamârnava . According to Nos. 359 and 301, Vajrahasta V. reigned 33 years. Compare below, No. 628.
He also composed a poem, entitled Advaitaiata. The same date we have in the Purf plates of Narasimhadeva IV. of S. 1306 and 1816 (below, Nos. 869 and 870).
5 The published text has pirya-gatyd tula-dind 26.