1254. (1408). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 178, No. P 30.
Mixed dialect. Gift of the piilar-base (kumbhaka) by Viśvasika Sasyala together with his wife and his sons.
125. (1409). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 178, No. P 32.
Mixed dialect. Gift of the pillar-base (kumbhaka) by the monk (bhikshu) Sanghavarmma (Samghavarman) and Vaddha (? Vriddha ?).
125. (1410). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 176, No. P 21.
Mixed dialect. Gift of the pillar-base (kumbhaka) by the supporters of the Order (? sanghaprakrita), headed by Bhadraghosha. There is a second inscription which is probably to the same effect. Compare Nos. 125 and 125".
125. (1411). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 177, No. P 25.
Mixed dialect. Gift of the pillar-base (kumbhaka) by the supporters of the Order (P sanghaprakrita), headed by Bhadraghosha. Compare Nos. 125 and 125".
125". (1412). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 177, No. P 26.
Mixed dialect. Fragment. Gift of the pillar-base (kumbhaka) by the supporters of the Order (? sanghaprakrita), [ headed by ] Bhadraghosha. Compare Nos. 125*
and 125.
125. (1413). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 177, No. P 24.
Mixed dialect. Gift of the supporters of the Order (? samghaprakrita), headed by Bhadila (Bhadrila). Compare No. 125.
125. (1414). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.
1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 179, No. P 37.
Mixed dialect. Fragment. Gift of the supporters of the Order (? sanghaprakrita), headed by Bhaddila (Bhadrila). Compare No. 125.
125. (1415). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 mentioned by Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 179, No. P 36. Not read.
1257. (1416). Mathura (now Mathura Museum) Buddhist inscription on base of pillar.1910 mentioned by Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 179, No. P 39.
Not read.
126. Add: 1910 Vogel, Cat. Arch. Mus. Mathura, p. 176 f., No. P 22.
127. Add: 1909 R. D. Bandyopadhyaya, Journ. Proc. Beng. As. Soc. N. S. Vol. V. p. 242, No. 8, and Plate XI.
Summary. Read 'Mixed dialect, Gift of Visvasika Vakamihira together with his 'son Horamurṇḍata (?). Compare Nos. 128 and 141.'
128. Add: 1909 R, D. Bandyopadhyaya, Journ. Proo. Beng. As. Soc. N. S. Vol. V. p. 243 f., No. 10, and Plate XI.