[VOL. X.
1171. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription.- 1847 Bird, Hist. Res. p. 52, No. 4, and Plate L, 8; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, Journ. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. V. p. 164, No. 10, and Plate; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, Insor. Cave-Temp. W. Ind. p. 50 f., No. 22, and Plate; 1883 Bühler-Burgess, Arch. Sure. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 95, No. 17, and Plate L.
Prakrit Fragment. Records some donation and mentions the elder (thera) bhayamta (bhadanta) Chetiyasa, who knows the Tripitaka (tēvija), the pupil (amtevasin) of the gana teacher (ganachariya), the elder (thera) bhayamta (bhadanta) Sulasa, who knows the Tripitaka (tēvija), and Nadanaka (Nanda), the grandson of some householder (gahapati).
1172. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription.- 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, Inscr. OaveTemp. W. Ind. p. 51, No. 23, and Plate; 1883 Bühler-Burgess, Arch. Surv. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 98, No. 34, and Plate LI.
Prakrit. Fragment. Mentions a lay-worshipper (upasaka), the merchant (negama) ...., the son of Satamala, and Virabhuti (Virabhuti).
1173. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. 1847 Bird, Hist. Res. Plate XLIX, 4; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, Journ. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. V. p. 169, No. 25, and Plate; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 5, No. 7, and Plate; 1876 Kern, Ind. Stud. Vol. XIV. p. 396, No. 7; 1877 noticed by Burgess, Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 35, No. 7, and Plate; 1877 Kern, Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 40, No. 7; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, Inscr. Oave-Temp. W. Ind. p. 51, No. 24, and Plate; 1883 Bühler-Burgess, Arch. Surv. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 98, No. 33, and Plate LI; 1896 correction by Franke, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. L. p. 595. Prakrit. Gift of a cistern (podhi) by Sivabhuti (Sivabhuti), son of Sivasama (Sivasarman).
1174. S. 46. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription of the time of rajan mahakhatapa samiNahapana. 1854 Stevenson-Brett, Journ. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. V. p. 169, No. 26, and Plate; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav: Junn. p. 5, No. 8, and Plate; 1877 noticed by Burgess, Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 35 f., No. 8, and Plate; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, Insor. Cave-Temp. W. Ind. p. 51 f., No. 25, and Plate; 1883 Bühler-Burgess, Arch. Surv. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 103, No. 11, and Plate LIV; 1896 note by Franke, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. L. p. 596; 1908 note by Rapson, Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, etc. p. LIX, No. 35. -vase 40 6.
Prakrit. Gift of a chadhi (?) and a hall (matapa) by Ayama (Aryaman) of the Vachha (Vatsa) götra (gota), minister (amatya) to [rajan] mahakhatapa (mahakshatrapa) sami-(svamin-) Nahapana.
1175. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. 1837 Sykes, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. IV. p. 289 f., No. 13, and Plate; 1837 Prinsep, Journ. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. VI. p. 1046 f., No. 6, and Plate LIII; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, Journ. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. V. p. 162, No. 6, and Plate; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 4, No. 6, and Plate; 1877 noticed by Burgess, Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 35, No. 6, and Plate; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, Inser. Cave-Temp. W. Ind. p. 52, No. 26, and Plate; 1883 Bühler-Burgess, Arch. Surv. W. Ind. Vol, IV. p. 95, No. 15, and Plate XLIX; 1905 correction by Senart, Ep. Ind. Vol. VIII. p. 75. Prakrit. Gift of a cave (lena) to the community (samgha) at Kapichita by Sivabhuti (Sirasti), the son of the lay-worshipper (upasaka) Samada (Syamala).