[Vol. X.
737. Bharaut (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist pillar inscription. - 1874 Cunning
ham, Proceed. Beng. As. Soc. 1874, p. 111; 1879 Cunningham, Stúpa of Bharhut, p. 20; 134, No. 26, and Plates XXI and LIII; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 65, No. 44, and Plate ; 1892 Hultzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI.
p. 230, No. 44. Prakrit. The yakha (yaksha) Gamgita.
738. Bharant (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist pillar inscription.-1879 Canning
ham, Stúpa of Bharhut, p. 134, No. 27, and Plates XIV and LIV; 1881 Hoernle, Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 259, No. 17, and Plate; 1886 Hultzach, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 65, No. 45, and Plate; 1892 Hultzech, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI.
p. 280, No. 45. Prakrit. Gift of Aya-Isidina (Arya-Rishidatta), the preacher (bhanaka).
739. Bharaat (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist pillar inscription. - 1874 Canning.
ham, Proceed. Beng. As. Soc. 1874, p. 115; 1879 Cunningham, Stúpa of Bharhut, p. 45; 115 ; 120; 127; 134, No. 28, and Plates. XIII and LIV; 1881 Hoernle, Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 256 f., No. 11, and Plate ; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 65, No. 46, and Plate; 1892 Hultzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 231, No. 46; 1892 Canningham, Mahabodhi, Plate III (Plate only). Prakrit. The bodha (bodhi) of the holy (bhagavat) Sakamuni (Sakyamuni).
740. Bharaat (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist pillar inscription.-1879 Cunning
ham, Stúpa of Bharhut, p. 134, No. 29, and Plates XIII, XIV and LIV; 1881 Hoernle, Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 256 f., No. 124, and Plate; 1886 Hultzach, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 65, No. 47, and Plate; 1892 Hultzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 231, No. 47; 1892 Cunningham, Mahabodhi, Plate III (Plate only). Prakrit. In the eastern quarter the Sadhävisa (Suddhavāsa) gods.
241. Bharaut (now Indian Museum, Calontta) Buddhist pillar inscription. - 1879 Cunning
ham, Stupa of Bharhut, p. 134, No. 30, and Plates XIII, XIV and LIV ; 1881 Hoernle, Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 256 f., No. 12, and Plate; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Deutsch, Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 65, No. 49, and Plate ; 1892 Hultzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 231, No. 48; 1892 Cunningham, Mahabodhi, Plate III (Plate only). Prakrit. In the northern quarter three covered heads (P).
742. Bharaat (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist pillar inscription.-1879 Cunning
ham, Stúpa of Bharhut, p. 134, No. 31, and Plates XV and LIV; 1881 Hoernle, Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 257, No. 13, and Plate; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Dentsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 65, No. 49, and Plate; 1892 Hyltzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 231, No. 49. Prakrit. In the southern quarter six thousand Kämävacharas.
743. Bharaut (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist pillar inscription.-1879 Canning
bam, Stupa of Bharhut, p. 29; 134, No. 32, and Plates XV and LIV; 1881 Hoornle, Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 257 f., No. 14, and Plate; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Deutsch, Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL, p. 66, No. 50, and Plate ; 1892 Haltzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 231, No. 50. Prakrit. The music of the gods, which gladdens (?) by acting (P).